Pluto is a generational planet. This means that the sign it’s in defines a whole generation, as it remains there for a few years.
The sign it is in determines the area of life in which that generation will exert deep change. For example, it was the generation of Pluto in Scorpio who initiated the #MeToo movement and uncovered many cases of sexual abuse in many industries. This is no coincidence. Scorpio as the sign of the taboo and the unspeakable, of power imbalances and the genitals. It comes as no surprise, then, that the generation with Pluto in this sign has decided as a whole that it has had enough of sexual misconduct and of keeping the pact of silence that refrains abusers from taking accountability.
If you live in the United States, prepare for the country’s first Pluto Return in February 2022. It will bring about the destruction of many of the institutions that keep the country functioning, especially those where there is an irresponsible use of power, and the subsequent rebirth of the country without the stagnant energy that is holding it back.
It takes Pluto approximately 248 years to complete its orbit across all 12 Zodiac signs. Because of its elliptical orbit, the amount of years it spends in one sign can vary a lot. It stayed in the sign it rules, Scorpio, for only 8 years, whereas it stayed in the sign of its fall, Taurus, for 30 years. Generally speaking, because you share your Pluto sign with a lot of people who were born in a rather large period of time, the sign where your Pluto is doesn’t matter as much when it comes to you personally as the House it’s in, which is more unique to you. To work out which house your Pluto is in, I would recommend using https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php.
How does Pluto affect your personality?
Pluto is all about your Shadow Self. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung came up with the concept of the Shadow Self in the 19th century to refer to the parts of yourself that you disown and don’t want to recognize as your own. You’re quick to point them out in other people, but you have a much harder time recognizing these qualities as your own.
Pluto can also give you information about what you fear. It is all about the topics you avoid. It’s about trauma and the taboo. It can also shed some light on your more manipulative side, the side of you that likes power for the sake of it.
On the other hand, Pluto is also a source of unbelievable strength, especially during tough times. When you thought you had already given everything in you, here comes Pluto with a new amount of strength you didn’t know you have. You can use this strength to emerge from the ashes like a Phoenix, and rebuild from zero anything that the Universe decides to take away from you.
Pluto in the 1st House
People with Pluto in the First House have an innate understanding of how power works and how to manipulate others so they do exactly what they want. Their fear is to lose control of themselves and who they are. During their lifetime, they’ll go through at least one major identity crisis that will make them question the very foundation of who they are. They will learn that their identity can flow and change over time, but that their core is always the same. They will learn to identify and be aligned with this core, and become a Divine Source of knowledge through self-awareness.
Pluto in the 2nd House
If you have Pluto in the 2nd House, you have a hard time letting go of control of your money, assets, and possessions. It’s either hard for you to make risky investments, or you live for the adrenaline of gambling and investing in high-risk ventures. At some point in your life, you might find that you have lost your life savings or even all of your means of subsistence. This is your biggest fear. Perhaps you grew up poor and, when you grew old, you swore you’d do your best to be financially self-sufficient. Your worst nightmare is to find yourself with nothing. But the Universe will make you face your fears and make you realize that no matter how much money you lose, you have the strength to earn it all over again – and then some. The lesson here is to believe in your own inner strength when it comes to making money, and let go of the fear and controlling tendencies that are actually keeping you from an abundance mentality.
Pluto in the 3rd House
People with Pluto in the Third House might have traumatic childhoods. They might have been bullied during their time in early education. They are deeply afraid of never gaining the approval of their peers. They have a very disruptive way of talking that invites others to question what they believe. They might even be manipulative with their words. They will go through a crisis that makes them question the ethics of using their words to gain more power and influence. Once they are aligned with a more ethical way of using their words, they can become communicators that help in processes of deep transformation and change.
Pluto in the 4th House
Pluto in this House is all about uncovering the hidden trauma of your family history, be it your immediate family or generational trauma (perhaps both). You might suffer from separation anxiety when it comes to your parents or children. During your lifetime, you may have to face the metaphorical death of your idea of what a family should be. There might be a literal death of a relative that really pushes you to the edge. You may also lose either your childhood home or the first home you buy. One of your biggest fears is to be alone in this world and have no place to call home. Your lesson is that you can rebuild a home and a family at any time, no matter how broken-hearted you are. You may also play a key role in your family when it comes to acknowledging generational trauma and putting an end to it, so that the next generation will be unburdened by it.
Pluto in the 5th House
People with Pluto in the 5th House tend to become obsessed by their hobbies and past-times. They might also be possessive, controlling lovers or parents, especially in their youth. They are afraid of losing their ability to have fun and feel pleasure. They also think about romance and parenting as something they must control at all costs. Their lesson is that they need to let go of their need of control to truly enjoy their lives. They might lose lovers or have a tough time with their children in the process. They have great power for self-expression. If they are artists, the art they create will be disruptive. It will invite society as a whole to explore their shadows. In this way, their art will contribute to the collective healing of their societies.
Pluto in the 6th House
People with Pluto in the 6th House have a hard time letting go of control of the aspects of their physical health they can control. They tend to get obsessed over food and exercise. They may end up developing an eating disorder. They are deeply afraid of illness, sometimes to the point that they become hypochondriacs. Ironically, they might be faced with at least one health crisis in their lives. This crisis will teach them that they have an enormous power to heal themselves and others. Once they let go of control of their daily habits, they will discover that they can heal anything and anyone, no matter how dire the prospects might be. They make excellent healers of all kinds, from doctors to Reiki practitioners.
Pluto in the 7th House
People with Pluto in the 7th House are haunted by the fear that they are unloveable and will end up alone. They tend to micromanage their relationships. They might even be toxic partners, at least when they are young and don’t know any better. They hold the false belief that a romantic relationship is the answer to their despair, and that, when they are married to their soulmate, they will find true happiness. They might end up living through a long-term relationship or a marriage that feels like hell. They might also suddenly lose an important romantic partner, or be betrayed by a business partner. The lesson is that they can find their inner strength when they are alone, and that, once they let go of the fear of being lonely, they can attract true unconditional love.
Pluto in the 8th House
People with Pluto in this house have a lot of the energy of the tarot card The Magician. Ever since they were very little, they have been masters of transformation. They might even be manipulative in their efforts to turn a situation to their favor. They are afraid to depend on others and aim to be completely self-sufficient. They have issues around trusting people, perhaps because of past experiences. Through a crisis that invites them on a journey of self-transformation, they’ll learn that they can’t thrive as an island, and that they need to trust others. Their strength lies in their capacity to guide themselves and others through processes of deep change. They are also extremely gifted when it comes to manifestation.
Pluto in the 9th House
People with Pluto in the 9th House are greedy for knowledge. They might also become fanatics of a religion or a system of thought. They are controlling about what they think, and even about what others think. They are the kind of people that judge others for not sharing their belief system. They must learn to let go of control. Their system of beliefs might not be infallible, and they must learn to coexist with others who don’t share their point of view and even be open to what they have to say. They might go through a crisis of belief (a change of religion, perhaps). Once they have overcome this crisis, they might become really valuable free-thinkers whose legacy will be to disrupt the structures of the society they live in.
Pluto in the 10th House
People with Pluto in the 10th House have an unhealthy obsession with power and control. They wish to get ahead in their careers and have a prestigious reputation backing them. Eventually, they also aspire to have a leadership position. Their lesson in life is to hold their power responsibly, to make others’ lives better and not just to have power to appease their own ego. They might go through a crisis in which they not only ruin their reputation but have a disastrous impact on other people’s lives through their irresponsible use of power. Once they have overcome this crisis, though, they have the power to become great leaders that heal the wrongs of the previous leadership and really make a difference in their communities.
Pluto in the 11th House
People with Pluto in this house have an obsessive fixation with their social lives and their friends. They might seek important and famous friends in order to gain prestige by association. They are generally well-liked and they know just what to say and do for people to approve of them. They can use their social clout in order to manipulate others. They are afraid not to be generally liked, as this is their own personal definition of a disaster. They will go through a transformation in which they will hopefully come to understand that friendships are not about gaining clout but to truly love other people platonically and support them in their journey. Once they learn this lesson, they can become the voice for the voiceless and fight for what’s fair in their society.
Pluto in the 12th House
People with Pluto in the Twelfth House are afraid of their own subconscious mind. They also fear losing their freedom and being locked up in a place such as a prison or a mental hospital. They may be claustrophobic. They are afraid of the unknown and they may have an irrational phobia related to animals. They might also suffer from frequent nightmares and night terrors. They have addictive tendencies and they must exercise caution when consuming certain substances. When they are younger, it’s highly probable that they repress a lot of trauma, which will come flooding to their conscious mind at some point and leave them disarmed. They’ll have to look at their subconscious world carefully and acknowledge it. Their power lies in what they fear most: their subconscious and what’s hidden from view. They might make great art from their trauma, or it can fuel some ground-breaking research.
Where is your Pluto? Did this resonate? Isn’t this planet fascinating? Have you already had a Plutionian crisis or not? How did it go? Were you able to discover your hidden strength? Tell us in the comments!
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