In this article, we look into Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy. We will look at the differences between Masculine and Feminine Energy to help you better understand what these terms actually mean and how you can balance your energy to be more productive and aligned.
It’s human nature to notice different kinds of energy in the body at different times. We’re all made up of divine masculine and divine feminine energies, so keeping them in balance is crucial to maintain the wellbeing of body and mind.
These energies aren’t related to gender, despite any misconceptions on this score. Everyone (despite their gender) was born with both types of energy within them; as we go through life, sometimes one of these energies will get suppressed at the expense of the other. Do you want to know more about these energies and how balancing them can help you achieve inner union? Well, here’s a quick overview of their essential properties.
Feminine Energy is about being kind, compassionate, and tender

Being human is about possessing deep emotions, feelings, vulnerability, kindness, and compassion towards your fellow beings. This is the divine feminine. Having this energy and nurturing it is important because it engenders gentleness and a caring aspect.
Masculine Energy is having strength, passion, action, and adventure.

Focus, alertness and bravery, and the possession of adventurous, physical qualities is a component of Masculine energy. Now, having the divine masculine is of equal importance as possessing the feminine. Both are vital for harmony, equilibrium and success in life.
Both Energies are Positive.
There’s no good or bad energy. Both are equal and needed to achieve inner union in mind, body and soul. Nurturing and respecting both energies is the best way to bring about peace and drive, compassion and courage.
Maintaining Balance Between Both the Energies

Both energies are essential to thrive in life. But they are efficacious only when you maintain a balance between both of them. If you achieve your goals through the manifestation of the divine masculine, you need to learn to be humble in your success by allowing your feminine energy to exert itself simultaneously.
Similarly, if you tend to make cerebral decisions with your rational brain, you need to listen to your heart sometimes too. You will be successful in your personal and professional life only if you know how to manage both of these energies and allow them to flow through you at the proper time.
Your divine masculine energy should be respected and incorporated into your being. By bringing it into harmony with your feminine energy both parts of your inner self can work together, in a union, to wonderful effect.
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