How to improve your mindset

What is the meaning of Death in tarot?
The Death card in Tarot often represents transformation, endings, and rebirth. However, there are alternative interpretations that can offer different insights into this card. Here are a few:

What is the meaning of the Hanged Man in tarot?
The Hanged Man card in Tarot often symbolizes surrender, letting go, and gaining a new perspective. However, there are alternative interpretations that can offer different insights into this card. Here are a few:

What is the meaning of Justice in tarot?
The Justice card in Tarot typically represents fairness, balance, and the consequences of our actions. However, there are alternative interpretations that can offer different perspectives on this card. Here are a few:

What is the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune in tarot?
The Wheel of Fortune card in Tarot symbolizes cycles, change, and the ever-turning wheel of life. However, there are alternative interpretations that can offer different perspectives on this card. Here are a few:

What is the meaning of the Hermit in tarot?
The Hermit card in Tarot is a symbol of introspection, solitude, and inner guidance. However, there are alternative interpretations that can offer different perspectives on this card. Here are a few:

What is the meaning of Strength in tarot?
The Strength card in Tarot is a potent symbol that represents inner strength, courage, and resilience. However, there are alternative interpretations that can provide additional perspectives on this card. Here are a few:

What is the meaning of the Chariot in tarot?
The Chariot is a card of overcoming obstacles to achieve success. Here are alternative interpretations of The Chariot card in tarot:

What is the meaning of the Lovers in tarot?
The Lovers card in tarot holds deep significance in matters of love, relationships, and choices. Here are a few alternative interpretations to consider:

What is the meaning of the Hierophant in tarot?
The Hierophant card in tarot holds a significant spiritual and traditional influence. Here are a few alternative interpretations to consider:

What is the meaning of the Emperor in tarot?
The Emperor card in tarot holds a powerful and authoritative energy. Here are a few alternative interpretations to consider:

What is the meaning of the Empress in tarot?
While interpretations may vary depending on the deck and the reader, there are indeed some alternative perspectives on the Empress. Here are a few for you:

What is the meaning of the High Priestess in tarot?
The High Priestess card in tarot is traditionally associated with intuition, wisdom, and the exploration of the subconscious mind. However, there are several alternative interpretations that can provide different perspectives.

What is the meaning of the Magician in tarot?
The Magician card in tarot is traditionally associated with manifestation, power, and the ability to create change. However, there are alternative interpretations that can provide additional layers of meaning. Here are a few alternative interpretations of The Magician card:

What is the meaning of the Fool in tarot?
In the Tarot, the Fool is a card that holds various meanings and interpretations. Some alternate meanings of the Fool card in Tarot include:

How To Live Without Disappointments

Energy Vampires: How To Protect Yourself?

Chinese New Year – Water Rabbit 2023 + Horoscope

Hello 2023, New Year Intention Setting Ritual

Christmas Tarot Countdown

3 Easy Ways To Fit Mindfulness Into Your Day
If you think your daily schedule is too full for self-care, then think again! Mindfulness doesn’t require you to sit in a serene atmosphere and meditate. It is all about focusing on the present. You don’t need to make time to be mindful, all you need is to concentrate on your surroundings and yourself. No matter what kind of work you’re doing, do it with full intention. And once you begin to make this a habit, then you’re well on your way to living a mindful life.

Moon Sign Compatibility
When trying to analyze the compatibility of two romantic partners, people are often tempted to talk in terms of the interaction between the two Sun Signs. Even though this is an interesting analysis to make, you’ll gain a much better understanding of how compatible these people are if you look at how their Moon Signs interact.

Morning Rituals With Shleby
Morning rituals are one of the easiest and quickest ways to shift your energy back to yourself and raise your vibration daily. If you’re struggling to focus on yourself and your happiness this is the most powerful way I’ve found to help you find that path to self love. I’ve been that girl who was getting reading after reading wanting to know the energy of someone else and how they were feeling about me. Feeling lack in my life because I didn’t have the love I wanted from another person and just overall unfulfilled. This practice helps you to decide to take back your power and put yourself first to understand who you are and what you need. Help you understand where you can shift your energy to give yourself the love you’re seeking from your person. Be someone you take care of and show up for yourself in a non negotiable way.

Why Is Breath Work Important?
Breath work is a simple yet effective rhythmic breathing practice that helps you focus on yourself and your body. It has a connection to kundalini yoga which involves all of your body and mind. This is advantageous for many people for multiple reasons. It can alleviate anxiety and reduce stress. Here are some easy ways to fit breath work into your daily life:

The Art of Letting Go
I won’t say ‘letting go’ is undemanding, and that all you need to do is go with the flow. Moving on from anything in life can be challenging and painful. But it’s not impossible! In fact, once you start accepting things the way they are, everything may become simpler and you can begin to move forward on a new path. The art of letting go can be quite difficult to master, but it’s worth the effort.

The 5 Love Languages
The most important thing to acknowledge when in a relationship or searching for love is how you and other people perceive love. You need to understand that people react in different ways and in turn see love and affection differently. This is where the 5 love languages come into play in understanding your partner and yourself. You can do a test online to see what your love language is. So get your partner to do this test as well, to better understand each other. It’s a really fun activity to do together and then talk about.

Simplifying Synastry Charts
When trying to analyze the compatibility of two romantic partners, people are often tempted to talk in terms of the interaction between the two Sun Signs. Even though this is an interesting analysis to make, you’ll gain a much better understanding of how compatible these people are if you look at how their Moon Signs interact.

Your 2022 – What is coming up in 2022?
This week we are doing a special week for your 2022. This week we are going to look into what to expect in 2022. We have 4 Pick A Card/Crystal reading’s using tarot to see what you should expect this year.

How to charge your crystals – By Crystal Cave
Here are a few tips on charging your crystals so that you can get the most out of them…

The Law Of Attraction: How Does It Work?
Whether you’re new to spirituality or a seasoned pro you’ve probably heard of the law of attraction. Though it is gaining popularity many are misinformed as to how it works. We’re here to answer any questions you may have and give you the secrets to making the law of attraction work for you.

Baby Predictions & Giveaway
It’s human nature to notice different kinds of energy in the body at different times. We’re all made up of divine masculine and divine feminine energies, so keeping them in balance is crucial to maintain the wellbeing of body and mind. These energies aren’t related to gender, despite any misconceptions on this score. Everyone (despite their gender) was born with both types of energy within them; as we go through life, sometimes one of these energies will get suppressed at the expense of the other. Do you want to know more about these energies and how balancing them can help you achieve inner union?

Halloween Week 🎃
This week on Sacred Space, we have a special themed week for Halloween, originally called Halloween Week. For Halloween Week, we are going to have 4 special Pick A Card readings themed around Halloween. The Pick A Card Readings are going to be by our tarot readers –

Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy
It’s human nature to notice different kinds of energy in the body at different times. We’re all made up of divine masculine and divine feminine energies, so keeping them in balance is crucial to maintain the wellbeing of body and mind. These energies aren’t related to gender, despite any misconceptions on this score. Everyone (despite their gender) was born with both types of energy within them; as we go through life, sometimes one of these energies will get suppressed at the expense of the other. Do you want to know more about these energies and how balancing them can help you achieve inner union?

LIBRA SEASON HOROSCOPE: News & Changes For All Zodiac Signs
On September 22, 2021, at 8:21 PM British Summer Time, the Sun enters the sign of Libra, marking the autumnal equinox and the beginning of the Libra season. Let’s take a look at the horoscope of the Libra season for each sign.

A Phoenix Among the Ashes: The Power of Pluto
How Pluto affects generations and individuals, plus a breakdown of how Pluto will affect you depending on which House it is in your birth chart.

September Zodiac Tarotscopes
Read your August zodiac tarotscope to find out what this month has in store for you…

It’s All About Communication: Why Your Lover’s Mercury Sign is Important
Mercury is often ignored when it comes to analyzing whether a person is romantically compatible with another. More attention is paid to personal planets like Venus and Mars, or Luminaries like the Moon. However, it would be a mistake to overlook Mercury, as it can determine the success of a relationship. Here is a breakdown of Mercury in all 12 signs, and some advice depending on the element of your own Mercury sign:

Your Past Life and Soul’s Purpose in Your Birth Chart: The Lunar Nodes
Did you know that you can use astrology to know about your past lives? It can also tell you about your purpose in this incarnation, and how you can heal any wounds you carry from your most significant past life. The answer is in two mathematical points that have to do with the orbit of the Moon. These points are called Lunar Nodes.

How to clear energy between you and your twin flame
Sometimes there are blocks in our own energetic systems. These blocks can cause us to resist abundance, or be unable to release past events from our lives. Twin Flame and soul connections often experience energy blocks due to a number of reasons. Through past incarnations together, there can be blocks as you may struggle to let go of a past event or emotion.

How To Attract Your Life Partner
In a world full of options and a society that focuses on hookup culture, finding love may seem impossible, that is until you use the law of attraction. With conscious awareness and a strong desire to find your soulmate, you can manifest them into your reality and create the love story of your dreams. If you want to find out how you can attract your life partner then keep reading for the top tips and tricks.

August Zodiac Tarotscopes
Read your August zodiac tarotscope to find out what this month has in store for you…

What is a Kundalini Awakening?
For years now, there has been a lot of talk around the term ‘Kundalini’ in the spiritual world. You might have heard about it, or have a vague idea of what it signifies. But venturing into practising awakening this force on your own without having all the necessary information can sometimes be dangerous. Yet, fear not, knowledge illuminates and I am not here to feed any fear just to feed your mind. Here are the most important things you should know about Kundalini awakening…

Crystals for the Twin Flame Journey
Crystals have long been a part of my spiritual journey and I have used them to assist with my healing for many years now. Crystals interact with our energy fields to help us heal on all levels. You can use them in many different ways such as wearing them, carrying them with you or keeping them in your space. Crystals will not work like a magic love potion making someone appear but the energy of crystals helps heal you blocks and set intentions for what you want to attract…

How to choose the right crystal for you
I find this the easy bit, not bringing all of them home is much harder and it can definitely become addictive. My tips for choosing the right crystals for you would be quite simple…

The Magic of Hypnotherapy
The brain is like the hard drive of a computer, and much like a computer we have stored programs contained there. These ‘programs’ are constantly running, and are made up of our life experiences, belief systems, default behaviours and environmental factors. You could even say our soul behaviours are stored here.
Habits, feelings and thoughts are also like programs that are set to run almost automatically. Which is great when all is going fine, and those programmes are the ones we would choose to have, but not great if those habits are born of triggers such as anxiety, stress or traumatic events.

Is stored trauma affecting your life?
Trauma is something that we all go through at times, and can actually help to shape our levels of resilience if we can manage to navigate through it, and allow it to lead us to a place of growth.
Trauma is also subjective, so what might not affect one person may seriously hinder another, so it’s important to take it on it’s own merit.
Think of it as ‘you grow through what you go through’. which links really well with a construct from positive psychology called post traumatic growth, which again links really keenly with having…

Meanings of Twin Flame Numbers
Every day I receive lots of messages on Instagram asking for interpretations of numbers so I thought it was about time to write a blog post on it. Remember, there is no wrong interpretation of any sign you receive from the Universe and numbers may mean something different to you than they do to another person. Number signs are one of the Universe’s way of communicating with us so it is a good idea to pay attention to what numbers you see and spend time meditating to find their personal meaning to you. Here are my interpretations of the numbers I see and the messages my guides send me through certain numbers…