Crystals for the twin flame journey
Crystals have long been a part of my spiritual journey and I have used them to assist with my healing for many years now. Crystals interact with our energy fields to help us heal on all levels. You can use them in many different ways such as wearing them, carrying them with you or keeping them in your space. I recorded a video on using your crystals in case you want more information on this here.
Crystals will not work like a magic love potion making someone appear but the energy of crystals helps heal you blocks and set intentions for what you want to attract. Some crystals help absorb negativity and others will raise your vibrations as the crystal itself will be a high vibration frequency. Always keep in mind that crystals work differently with individuals so find those which work best for you.

Shiva Lingam
A sacred stone of union between the masculine and feminine energies both internally and externally. Sacred to the Hindu religion these are valued as restorers of vitality and pranic energy. The most defining characteristic of Shiva Lingam is its smooth egg shape which is formed from natural tumbling within the Narmada River, where it is gathered and hand polished by villagers. The Narmada River is one of the seven holy sites of India, and one of the five holy rivers, located in Onkar Mandhata in western India. The word ‘Lingum’ comes from the Sanskrit word for symbol, as these stones are a symbol of Lord Shiva. Their colors vary, but they are all a tan color. They have been used for hundreds of years as part of ritual worship. The Shiva lingam is interesting because it can open and realign most of the chakras with equal power. This can be seen in its ability to stimulate kundalini energy, which resides in the base or root chakra which is found at the bottom of your spine.

Rose Quartz
Called the Heart Stone, Rose Quartz may have been used as a love token as early as 600 B.C. and is still an important talisman of relationships. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth. It supports connection within groups and community, and carries a high spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine.

Strawberry Quartz
Strawberry Quartz carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Strawberry Quartz has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude and generosity, and can radiate those vibrations outward. Some wear Strawberry Quartz when trying to attract a soul-mate or twin flame. Strawberry Quartz assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. An important tool for new initiates on the spiritual path, Strawberry Quartz can help one to gain insights into one’s persona and inspiration regarding how to improve on it. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge. A powerful manifestation stone when it comes to drawing in soul and twin flame relationships.

Rhodochrosite symbolises selfless love. Sometimes called the Stone of the Compassionate Heart this moves beyond compassion and motivates one to act on others’ behalf. However, self-love is always the first step so it is a great healing stone helping one with the inner child addressing old wounds, emotional trauma from the past and bringing reconciliation, forgiveness and joy. This stone helps creativity and the discovery of hidden talents. It encourages one to take action and dispels anxiety and stress. As this empowers it is said to help motivate and enhance passion . This crystal is wonderful for balancing ‘Ying and Yang’. Since inner child healing is such an important step on the twin flame journey, this crystal is incredible to work with during those times.

Like Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite is a stone of the Heart which takes you even further and deeper towards self-fulfillment as it nurtures the inner self and reclaims your best self. It helps discover your life’s purpose and hidden talents. Rhodonite is a healing and grounding stone that can be used to regain equilibrium, both emotionally and physically, after a period of grief or loss, major illness, financial disappointment, heartache or intense unhappiness. This crystal has helped me during those times of separation and heartache which are often found on twin flame and sacred connection journeys.

A combination of Red Jasper, Epidote and sometimes including Quartz. This is a stone for you on your twin flame journey as it unites heart and mind bringing balance and harmony in relationships. It also improves communication and is a steadying stone bringing with it long term harmony, balance and stability. This crystal is often used when attracting your soulmate.

Larimar is a rare blue form of Pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic. One of the cardinal water stones but forged in Volcanic activity it balances both fire and water. This cools hot tempers, relieves stress and anxiety and brings calm. It is great with the release of unhelpful emotional bonds to reach the higher spiritual good making it perfect to work with on the twin flame journey when breaking negative cords of attachments. It encourages straight forward speaking from the heart. Larimar can be used as a worry stone to bring serenity or a pleasant atmosphere. Great for finding a soulmate!!
This is connected to goddess energy of both sky and water and so unsurprisingly Larimar is closely associated with the qualities of the divine feminine. Helps women reconnect with their own nature and men with their feminine side, intuition, empathy and receptivity. A vivacious energy that is great for gridding, bringing balance and ridding the environment of unwanted entities.
In meditation Larimar helps us see ourselves from a different perspective and come to terms with negative emotional bonds with others that stand in the way of our highest good. It helps cut those ties and helps us come to terms with necessary changes to become the best we can be. I found the peaceful nature of larimar so gentle to work with during the most challenging times.

The kindred spirit crystal helping release old karmic patterns and beliefs. Auralite-23 is a recently discovered and rare mineral. It is named because it contains 23 different mineral components. Auralite-23 comes from only one mine in the world, and that is the mine located in the Boreal Forest north of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, also called the “Cave of Wonders”. It has been scientifically attributed as the world’s oldest crystal gemstone which developed more than 1.5 billion years ago while the first signs of life appeared on earth. These are rare and transformative crystals with phenomenal high energy which can awaken dormant psychic abilities and promote meditation in order to connect and communicate with your personal spirit guides and guardians, higher dimensional beings, Divine Source Energy, Great Spirit, Ascended Masters, Guardian Angels. Useful in helping access Akashic records and in past life regression and past life healing therapies.

Crystal Cave are our experts on crystals and they have put together this ‘TWIN FLAME JOURNEY’ healing crystal gift box containing strawberry quartz, shiva lingam, rough auralite, rough rose quartz and unakite.

Since the twin flame journey is really about the journey to finding your inner union, crystals for self love are really useful. Here is a set of crystals you can use together with the intention of loving yourself completely. This set contains Rose Quartz Hearts, Amethyst Rough Cut Point, Green Aventurine Tumbled Stone, Rhodonite Tumbled Stone, Prasiolite Tumbled Stone.

You can often find yourself struggling with communication on your twin flame journey especially as you experience triggers and are working through your own healing. This gift set contains some crystals to help you work on your throat chakra and aid crystal clear communication. In this box you have Amazonite Heart, Blue Kyanite Rough, Blue Calcite Rough, Lapis Lazuli Tumbled Stone, Chrysocolla Tumbled Stone.
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