3 Easy Ways to Fit Mindfulness Into Your Day
If you think your daily schedule is too full for self-care, then think again! Mindfulness doesn’t require you to sit in a serene atmosphere and meditate. It is all about focusing on the present. You don’t need to make time to be mindful, all you need is to concentrate on your surroundings and yourself. No matter what kind of work you’re doing, do it with full intention. And once you begin to make this a habit, then you’re well on your way to living a mindful life.
Here are some easy to follow tips, which you can include even on your busiest day:
Ask Questions to Yourself About Yourself
The first step to being mindful is to know where you are and how you’re feeling in your life right now. When was the last time you checked in on yourself? Many people keep themselves so busy that they forget to listen deeply to their bodies and minds. But if you want to make mindfulness part of your daily life, the first step is to be aware of yourself. Start by focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Notice your state of mind and your thoughts. Pay attention to your physical self to help ground yourself. See the world around you, and your special place within it, with new clarity, to build a spiritual connection between your whole self and the universe that exists outside and within you.
Don’t Let Your Mind Roam Around
Busy days can be hectic and, sometimes, super stressful too. But mindfulness allows you to maintain your focus and remain peaceful and relaxed. By practising to keep your mind in one place, you will find your days flow easier and run more smoothly. A common problem in today’s world is that everyone thinks of so many things at once. This causes them to be absent from the place they’re actually at. Keep your mind from roaming by being fully present in whatever task you’re doing, be this washing the dishes or meditation. When you feel your thoughts begin to wander, gently pull them back to the present moment. Keep doing this; it may take practice, and that’s ok.
Don’t Let Your Small Breaks Go to Waste
Most people get the opportunity to take small pauses in their day, don’t let them go to waste. In a five minute space between clients or a ten-minute gap between classes, try to meditate. Or you can also simply practise breathwork. Find a quiet spot, and notice your breathing. Feel your chest rise and fall and be conscious of the air entering and then leaving your body. Let your breathing become deeper, more purposeful, to promote calmness. So, next time you get even a tiny opportunity to relax, try meditation or breathing techniques to further incorporate mindfulness into your daily life and reap the benefits of feeling revived, refreshed and energised.
Even the busiest of routines is no obstacle to living a mindful life. To learn effective ways to practice meditation and self-healing, consider choosing our helpful meditation videos. And, do have a look at our other blogs for more tips on using mindfulness throughout the course of your day.
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