Crystal experts at Crystal Cave (www.crystalcaveonline.co.uk) have a few tips on charging your crystals.
Amethyst ‘Bed’ or Quartz Cluster
An easy way to re-charge your crystals and getting them brimming with energy is to place them on top of an Amethyst bed or Quartz cluster. Just leave them there for a couple of hours and they will be buzzing again in no time. Selenite also achieves the same effect. Personally I have a few Selenite fish tails which I use all the time for this.
Some crystals charge with moon energy e.g Moonstone, and some with sun energy eg Sunstone. However if you leave crystals on the windowsill for 24 hours then they will get whichever they need. Easy!
Outside in a storm
Don’t you just love this one. Just make sure that you don’t leave the water-soluble ones outside in this one or you will be in for a disappointment the following day.
If you are Reiki attuned then you can use Reiki energy to re-charge your crystals.
Pyramids Place your crystals inside a Pyramid shape which will quickly recharge them. Nothing prevents you from making your own pyramid structure from wire or sticks.
Quartz Points
Place 3 quartz points programmed for re-charging into a triangle facing each other. This programming allows the energy to flow into the centre crystals at the same time. Then place 3 quartz points programmed for cleansing facing outwards . This then re-charges and cleanses at the same time.
Crystal Cave x
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