Crystal experts at Crystal Cave (www.crystalcaveonline.co.uk) have written this really useful blog for us on choosing the right crystal for you.
Choosing a Crystal
I find this the easy bit, not bringing all of them home is much harder and it can definitely become addictive. My tips for choosing the right crystals for you would be quite simple: –
1) Listen to your heart rather than your head.
2) Buy from places or people where you feel a connection, a sense of harmony.
3) Don’t rush – or allow yourself to be pressured. The seller should be able to answer your questions and tell you about the crystals that you are interested in. Nobody can know everything and we all have our off moments but if I am chatting to potential clients and I don’t know the answer to their question I can point them in the right direction to find it out for themselves or help look it up with them.
4) Listen to your own INTUITION, your own inner guidance or higher self. There is no RIGHT or WRONG way to do this. Everyone feels this in a different way and it can change depending on your mood and situation. Sometimes a book or person may advise you to choose a particular stone because they think it is right for you or your situation but if you don’t feel DRAWN to it then don’t choose it!! You simply might not resonate with that particular crystal or it might mean that it isn’t what you need right now.
5) Never buy a stone because you feel obligated to. Choosing should always be enjoyable and you will find yourself drawn to the right stone. I think we all have favourites that call to us all the time and sometimes we have stones that we simply don’t get along with no matter what the books say. You may well find that both of these groups change over time as your individual needs change. Your higher self KNOWS what you need at that time…you just have to trust to your intuition and let yourself find it.
6) Some people that when they hold a crystal it goes very hot, others that it goes cold, some feel a ‘tingle’ or a sense like a quiet heartbeat. Some people don’t feel anything but just have a sense that they don’t want to let it go. Practice and you will find your own way that works for you.
Choose by Sight
Scan the crystal selection consciously and see what calls to you. This could be based on colour or something about that shape, that pattern, that reflection which seems to draw your eye.
Choose by Vibration
If this is to be your method you do need to give the stone a quick cleanse first by quickly blowing on it first. I visualise a beam of white light that comes into my crown chakra then passes out through my third eye chakra and through the stone held in my hand. I visualise this being communicated through my breath as I blow on the stone. The light passes through the stone and into an imaginary vessel filled with white light.
Once cleansed some people will then feel heat or cold, a tingle or buzz some times it’s just a sense of comfort or rightness. Some people can get very tearful or emotional in response to the stone.
I wouldn’t use this method for really expensive crystals! It is good for tumbles though. Just take a moment to calm and centre yourself. Connect with your higher self. Close your eyes and simply pick at random from the group.
As you get more used to working with energies and develop your connection you might find that you want to use a pendulum to help choose.
Crystal Cave
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