Sometimes there are blocks in our own energetic systems. These blocks can cause us to resist abundance, or be unable to release past events from our lives. Twin Flame and soul connections often experience energy blocks due to a number of reasons. Through past incarnations together, there can be blocks as you may struggle to let go of a past event or emotion. There can also be intense spiritual lessons to learn through the connection which create energetic blocks where you and/or your counterpart hold on to your emotions from these lessons. If you and your counterpart end up in any cycles of running and chasing then you can also find that the chaser has given too much of their loving energy to their counterpart, resulting in feeling drained and facing an energetic block. Energetic blocks need to be cleared before you can find your own inner union, and then union with your counterpart. This is where energy clearing comes in. Since ancient times, people have used various methods to clear energy and rebalance energetic systems. Because energy knows no time or space, energy clearings can be done from anywhere.
How are energy blocks created?
Our bodies are energetic systems that are constantly working to stay in a balanced state. People, places, and objects all absorb energy, meaning we are constantly engaging in energy exchanges. We can store radiate energy back out or hold on to it, which can start to have a huge impact on our wellbeing. We are positively affected by balanced, loving energy and negatively affected by unbalanced, fear-based energy. Sometimes we hold on to too much of one energy, or have a lack of it because it’s been taken from us, or because we gave it away. This can create imbalances in our own energetic system that can potentially make us physically, emotionally and spiritually unwell. We can start to feel stuck and lose our joy for life, or struggle to achieve our goals.
All of us can get hit with energy blocks sometimes, and these can block us from attracting what we want and being aligned with love.
Signs you have an energetic block in your connection
There are a few indicators that your connection has energetic blocks:
- Constant fatigue – this is more than just being tired. Feeling lethargic and tired for long periods of time no matter how much sleep you get is a big sign that you are experiencing an energy block. This can result in chronic fatigue and start to impact your work.
- Depression – suddenly feeling depressed can be a sign you are dealing with an energy block. Clinical depression is usually experienced with a gradual onset, but if you have an energetic block, feelings of depression can seemingly come out of nowhere and strike without warning.
- Anxiety – when you feel you are trapped in a cycle of overthinking and worrying, this could be the effect of a build up of negative energy. You may feel like you cannot control your emotions and your worry continues to grow.
- Anger – feelings or irritability are a big sign that an energy block is present. This can result in a loss of temper and sudden outbursts of frustration. When you feel anger building, it is a sign that there is something under the surface that must be released. Anger is one of the lowest vibrations emotions that exists, so feeling angry is a warning sign that you need to address what is blocking your positive energy.
- Excessive behaviour – when energy blocks are present, you can start to engage in excessive behaviour such as an unhealthy spending habit. You may ignore your bills and responsibilities and start to spiral into financial ruin.
- Resentment – struggling to forgive someone is both a sign that an energy block is present and a slippery slope that will lead to further energy blocks. This is the biggest block to spiritual enlightenment and can stop you from being aligned with your divine counterpart. Trying to refrain from harbouring resentment towards anyone, not just your counterpart, will prevent further energy blocks from being created.

Energy Clearing Kundalini Yoga Set
Try an energy clearing Kundalini Yoga set to release energetic blocks.
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Forgiveness Meditation
This forgiveness meditation will help you work through feelings of resentment.
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Use Your Inner Fire To Open Your Heart
Use the energy you have stored within you to unlock your heart chakra
Watch NowHow to remove the energy blocks
Now I will share my tips on how you can remove these energy blocks so that you are aligned with love and can attract abundance. Your divine partner will only be attracted to your soul when they can recognise it, therefore those energy blocks need to be cleared so that your soul can shine through.
Smudge, smudge, smudge!
Buy or make a smudging stick and use it every time you feel you need a quick pick-me-up to raise your vibrations. Start by saging around your body focusing on the chakra points, and then begin on your environment. Open the windows while you work smudge so that there is an exit for the negative energy. This will work on clearing out negative energy and is definitely a good place to start. This is such an easy tip too and doesn’t require much time at all.
Cut cords to the past
I can already feel some of you panicking at the mention of cord cutting. There is a common misconception that you can’t cord cut with your divine counterpart, or this shouldn’t be done. It isn’t true. In any relationship, if you start to give your power away to the other person, you can experience negative cords of attachment from your sacral chakra to them. These NEED to be cleared, otherwise you will continue to give your power to the other person. Set the intention before your cord cutting ritual to cut only negative cords of attachment which are creating energy blocks. Having this intention ensures that any cords of love remain. I like to do this every month and consider it my monthly cord weeding exercise.
Meditation and breathwork
Meditation clears your chakras and grounds you in the present moment. It is by far the simplest and most effective technique for clearing and healing. Meditation is the very best tool to cleanse and balance your energy field while reaping a full range of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits including:
- Clear energy blockages
- Improve your mental and emotional well-being
- Let go of past conflicts and emotional distress
- Open your heart chakra to unconditional love
- Release negative energy
- Become more aligned with your higher self
- Open yourself energetically to more abundance
- Protect yourself from being overly influenced by the emotions of others
- Connect to your Spirit Guides
I have included links below to some guided meditations on Sacred Space which you may find helpful for these intentions. Guided meditations are the perfect place to begin. I’ve been meditating for a long time now, but I still love clearing my energy through guided meditations.

Love & Gratitude
Tune into the frequency of love and start inviting more love into your connection
Listen Now
Let Go of Control and Attachment
Start releasing negative attachments and surrender to your connection
Listen Now
Self Talk & Body Scan
Start giving to yourself so that you can align with the Universal energy of love
Listen NowKundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is wonderful way to clear energy blocks and that’s why it is the main workout in the Body section on Sacred Space. Kundalini Yoga is uses sound, mantra, energy healing, exercises and meditations to release trauma from the energetic body (your aura). Your aura holds wounds which is why it’s so important to keep your energy free of blockages. Once your aura is clear of wounds, you begin to radiate the frequency that draws in abundance, love, and light.
Doing Kundalini yoga enables you to tap into the magnetic force of the universe, which is love. When we live in that frequency of love, we feel gratitude. Like attracts like, and therefore gratitude attracts more gratitude. This is how you can attract your divine counterpart, or twin flame, because they are naturally drawn to you when you are in the energy of love.
Kundalini yoga also helps us to let go and live without attachment. We work our mind, body and spirit to integrate oneness with the universe which allows us to feel a connection to higher realms. This reminds us to trust ourselves and to recognise that our pure essence is one with spirit. When we trust ourselves, we let go of attachment to other people, situations, outcomes and expectations. We begin to give and receive energetically. We stop “doing” and begin “allowing”. We learn that our true heart’s desire comes from the Divine, and we stop needing approval from others to honor our inner truth – our Sat Nam. When we free ourselves from the expectations of others, we begin to attract love into our lives by giving love.
Kundalini Yoga has been so important on my spiritual journey. I began working with Daria from High On Yoga a few years ago and that’s why I invited her to join the Sacred Space team. Kundalini Yoga helped me reach the next level in my own ascension and helped me improve my connection to Spirit as well as my divine counterpart.

Clear Past Emotions & Release Stress
Start clearing past emotions so that you can release old energy blocks
Watch NowThere are so many ways to clear your energy, so find what works for you and stick with it. It can take a bit of time to clear energy blocks, so don’t give up if you don’t feel an instant improvement. I do a Kundalini yoga set once or twice a week, guided meditations every few days. I also smudge myself daily and make an effort to smudge my environment every few weeks. If I feel someone else’s energy around me, I will do a cord cutting ritual to remove any negative attachments that have been formed. I also love attending gong baths to clear my energy. We have some on Sacred Space in the mind section which are very relaxing, but nothing compares to attending one in person. Have a look online to find a gong bath near you.
I hope this article has helped you understand the importance of energy clearing between you and your counterpart. You cannot clear someone else’s energy for them, especially if their energy blocks are due to unresolved emotional healing. Focus on clearing your energy and it will begin to transform your connection too.
Emily xx
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