On September 22, 2021, at 8:21 PM British Summer Time, the Sun enters the sign of Libra, marking the autumnal equinox and the beginning of the Libra season.
Libra season is a great time of year for many reasons: our social calendar is full, our creativity is at its peak, and our love life seems all milk and honey.
This Venus-ruled sign is all about strengthening connection, so if we’re looking for love, this time of year fully supports that. Whether that means forging better bonds within our friendships or family, we’ll bond with others in a balanced and diplomatic way. As the meddlesome energy of Virgo season begins to subside, tending to any relationships we’ve neglected will likely be a priority.
The Sun shifts our attention to the sign of relationships, the sign of “WE”, and the focus shifts to contracts, partnerships, negotiations and setting new balances for the next four weeks.
Opposites may arise, such as conflicts, enemies or misunderstandings, but the Libra expert knows how to build bridges of understanding and find fair solutions for everyone. Libra is full of contrasts and is the first sign to play devil’s advocate to balance any situation. What would we do without Librans and their energy in our lives? Happy birthday to all Librans; your season is starting!
Let’s take a look at the horoscope of the Libra season for each sign.
It’s relationship time! How well do you interact with others? How well do you know someone? It’s time to focus in every way on the connection between you and the world, whether it’s a partner, a stranger or those who can cheer you up. Are you single and looking for a relationship? Now shines a light that helps you find your match. Put your energy in this direction.
If you allow yourself to be dragged into other people’s unpleasant affairs, it’s like throwing yourself willingly into Niagara Falls with no Superman to save you. And if you choose to stand up straight and dignified in the face of an intimidating person or situation, it will feel like the right thing to do, rather than passively playing along.
Mars—your ruling planet—transits the sign of Libra throughout this season. From October 5-11, the Sun meets Mars in the sign of Libra. In addition, the New Moon occurring in Libra on October 6 is conjunct Mars. Therefore, it is advisable to mobilize all your forces to improve your relationships with others—including your marriage—renew something in your married life, or adopt a new perspective in your relationship with your life partner.
Also, from September 27 to October 18, Mercury retrogrades, and it is advisable to postpone any significant decisions regarding relationships until the last days of the Libra season. While Mercury is retrograde, it is not advisable to make promises or marriage proposals or rush to respond to serious requests. Until October 18, try to assume what you really want from a relationship and your emotional needs.
The turmoil and tensions you face in certain relationships could exhaust you physically and mentally. After October 18, the situation improves noticeably, and you come to your senses. As the balance is restored in your life and relationships with others, you recover physically and mentally and regain your energy and optimism.
Come on, you can meet the challenges of this Libra season with flying colours!
Honestly, dear Taurus, you don’t really care! This is the kind of attitude that creates your reputation. Your rebellion may take the form of cute but indifferent and passive behaviour. Still, you also want to get out of any situation without regrets, even delighted, and be good with everyone. The question is, can you have it both ways?
Although you’re still in fun and relaxation mode, once the Sun transits Libra, you’ll start putting effort into tasks and debts you’ve been putting off.
From September 27 to October 18, take advantage of the cosmic energy of this period to analyse the way you express your feelings and show your affection for your loved one. You would do well to stop tripping over unimportant details and simplify things. If you love your partner, get out of your rut and get involved in making things better.
On October 1, Mercury makes a tense energy exchange with Pluto, signalling that it’s not very easy to come to a common point of view with your life partner regarding the rules by which married life works.
In the last days of Libra season, the atmosphere is loosening up, and you are experiencing more clarity in your life. Your interpersonal relationships, both personally and professionally, improve, and if you are single, you have a good chance of finding your soulmate. Don’t forget that after October 18, Mercury and Jupiter return to direct motion.
The first part of Libra’s season is dedicated to relationships with children and romantic ones, Gemini. You find it easy to relax and have fun. Around October 4, some novel insights help you to bring out your creativity. At the New Moon in Libra on October 6, you can understand what love and happiness mean to you in a new light.
After October 11, you work on implementing new directions for the future related to studies or travel. With patience and maturity, you build a more modern and progressive philosophy of life. Around October 15, you could take a pleasant trip with people you feel in harmony—this period is also favourable for falling in love.
From October 18 until the end of Libra season, you feel freer to express your views and principles of life.
Let the fire inside you burn hotter. Your creativity is awakened under the Sun in Libra, and the little child in you is eager to get out and play. Leaves fall from the trees and paint the world in gorgeous colours, putting you in the mood for love. Enjoy the romance. Have fun!
The autumnal equinox signifies coming home to you, dear Cancer. But where is home? Think about it. It’s time to re-establish your connection to your base, fortify your fortress and firmly ground yourself for the next period.
Pluto is involved in many tense issues during the Libra season, foreshadowing a rather hectic and emotionally tricky period, fraught with arguments or conflicts. Even if specific problems are cleared up, and some truths come to light—perhaps even some infidelity—they probably don’t please you or your partner. In some couples, plans for the future may be suddenly abandoned.
However, Pluto and Saturn return to direct motion on October 6 and 11, so it is expected to unblock certain situations related to couple life, family and partnerships. It will be easier for you to find yourself and figure out what you want from yourself and life. After October 15, you may face some emotional traumas and soul wounds, but you have the strength to heal.
In the last days of the Libra season, the stars increase your energy and self-confidence. So don’t worry, there are no challenges to kill you!
You are like a palm tree swaying in the breeze, dear Leo, and though it’s autumn and everything is falling from the trees, you hold on tight and firm to your coconuts! You do not intend to focus on losses, and the road to acquisitions and gains comes from past negotiations. But be careful not to fall into the trap of trying to be or act … too smart.
Around October 4, meeting intelligent and original people helps you clarify questions and communicate more easily. On the New Moon on October 6, you are in a unique state of mind, and you combine reason with intuition.
After October 7, Venus in Sagittarius brings you an expansive mood and creates relaxed, fun situations. You begin to take a long-term view of things emotionally. For example, some Leos might have enlightening discussions with the person with whom they have started a romantic relationship to understand if it is a relationship with long-term prospects and if the partner is interested in stability.
Under the influence of transiting Venus through Sagittarius, you find it easier to get on speaking terms with people you are attracted to. On the other hand, the star’s signal that there could be a tendency towards boasting, so you’d do well to be careful not to talk only about yourself and your achievements, however important they may be. If you’re wedded, this transit of Venus can help you improve your matrimony, become more agreeable, more adventurous and pay more attention to your life partner so that you can rekindle the flame of passion together.
After October 18 until the end of Libra season, it is advisable to avoid stubbornness and restrain your tendency to push it and impose your point of view.
Like a star, as you are, you will excel in social situations and where there is an audience to wow people with your presence—but be careful not to blind anyone with your brilliance!
Your season hasn’t even well passed, and you’re already feeling tense, Virgo.
In Libra season, Virgo relationships—including romantic relationships—tend to be more strained. Various conflicts arise, clashes of wills and egos, and certain long-unresolved situations are amplified, calling for radical decisions. It is advisable to try not to be excessively vehement even if things are not going the way you would like them to.
With Venus transiting the sign of Scorpio until October 7 and Mars spanning the sign of Libra throughout this season, certain unpleasant aspects of your intimate life, certain matters that could be considered disturbing or downright dirty, may come to light. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is advisable to avoid strong reactions. If you don’t like the direction the relationship is going in, the wisest thing to do is to withdraw gracefully, expressing your point of view calmly and matter-of-factly.
After October 18, you get more clarity, and by the Full Moon on October 20, most of this season’s challenges will have already been resolved.
As a Libra, you tend to really thrive during your season, but that’s honestly no surprise.
Your partnership-oriented nature is at an all-time high during the fall, and you’ll begin to notice that other people might have you on their minds a little more than usual. Your social and personable nature attracts attention from all sides as the Sun highlights your self-nature, so make sure you use all this newfound attention to your advantage.
The New Moon in Libra on October 6 encourages reinvention and renewal. You regain your interest and enthusiasm for new things, feel more energetic and motivated.
Starting October 7, Venus—your ruling planet—enters Sagittarius, and despite how busy you’re likely to be, now is an excellent time to explore what self-love is all about. Does it primarily involve another person, or do you find that you feel comfortable being your own source of affection? Having a partner is nice, but it’s essential to keep in mind that your value doesn’t diminish based on whether or not you’re in a relationship. This will probably be an excellent time for you to explore the role relationships play in your life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the attention you’ll receive.
Also, be careful in what atmosphere you end your season, as Mars in Libra forms a tense aspect with Pluto starting October 20, which can lead to severe conflicts and permanent breakups in relationships that haven’t worked for a long time.
Libra season always brings with it a state of introspection for you, dear Scorpio.
Your season is not here yet, and your emotions are flowing in waves. The truth is that you are now in inventory and observation mode. As the Sun crosses the sign of Libra, take a moment in your busy schedule, sort out all that’s unfinished and reconnect with your spirit to make sure everything is whole and in its place.
In your romantic and couple life, many situations begin to clear up after October 18. Still, tensions continue to make themselves felt throughout the Libra season, primarily until October 7, when Venus transits your sign. It’s possible that certain things from the distant past won’t give you peace or that you’re dealing with various grievances and frustrations built up over time about your love life.
However, don’t despair; you are eventually going through soul healing processes to prepare for your season.
Your social life is very active; you are keen to approach things diplomatically and find out news, information, secrets. Your social conscience suddenly awakens during this season of Libra.
In addition, Venus begins its transit through Sagittarius on October 7. This astral context makes you particularly attractive, so those around you perceive you as more exciting and refined than usual. On the other hand, the transit of Venus through your sign suggests that the people in your entourage can have a powerful impact on you, influencing the crucial decisions you make during this period.
Another auspicious event for Sagittarius is the cessation of the retrograde of Jupiter—ruler of Sagittarius—simultaneously with the end of the retrograde of Mercury. Therefore, after October 18, you make serious progress on specific projects that have stalled until now due to discord between those involved. In this astral context, you see more clearly what you have to do in the long term. Despite some rivalries, you benefit from the motivation and resources necessary to fight and fulfil your socio-professional and material ambitions.
We know you’re feeling some heartache, but this Libra season, you’re forced to ground yourself more firmly in the earth and think seriously about the direction you’re giving your life.
One of the blessings of the equinox and Libra season for you is that it makes you step into your own shadow, to be able to apologize for what you think you did wrong to others last season or about something you think you forgot to do. Even if you bite out of sarcasm and it seems funny at first, it’s still good because at least you’re verbalizing from the heart what you have to say to balance relationships.
From October 7, when Venus enters Sagittarius and until the end of the Libra season, it is recommended that you take stock of your desires and take time to reflect on how you show appreciation to your loved ones and to the people you are romantically attracted to.
You may also be less interested in starting new relationships this Libra season but feel the need to clear your head and define more clearly what your emotional needs and aspirations are. It is also not out of the question to become more withdrawn, more defensive, which risks causing minor tensions in your life as a couple and in your interpersonal relationships.
You’re a very goal-oriented zodiac sign, and from October 18 until the end of the Libra season, the stars bring you that extra bit of motivation needed to move forward to the top. The Sun in Libra gives you light and clarity about where you’re headed and fuels your energy to get there. You are the boss! Take the lead, and others will follow you.
A character as clever and spectacular as yourself is now very incisive, but you should not confuse that with thinking you know what is best for others. You would do well to cover your ears and even your eyes so that you are not tempted to guide others with your advice from your personal views and, therefore, stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. However witty you think you are, you must refrain and let others have their right to dream their own wonders.
Also, let’s talk a bit about couple life. Enjoyable periods that can help restore communication in the couple are after the New Moon on October 6 and after the Full Moon on October 20. Try as much as possible to be receptive to your partner’s suggestions if you want to rebalance your love relationship and couple life.
If you are single, after October 18, the stars may bring into your life a person who is right for you, who is really able to put up with your self-righteous and idealistic attitudes—sometimes you find it hard to put up with yourself too.
Woe to the one who underestimates you this Libra season, dear Pisces! It seems that you are no longer willing to tolerate the aberrations of those around you. However, be careful to keep yourself grounded in reality because you might regret some of the decisions you make from the beginning of the Libra season until October 18.
The New Moon in Libra on October 6 invites you to improve your romantic relationship or marriage. An older relationship may enter a new phase, where you can become much closer to your loved one than before.
With Venus entering Sagittarius, single Pisces may experience a sudden passion, a hot relationship that risks complicating their lives if they are not prepared to handle it.
Towards the end of Libra season, you are invited around the Full Moon on October 20 to make profound changes to free yourself from certain toxic relationships or emotional and financial codependencies.
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