How compatible are you really?
When trying to analyze the compatibility of two romantic partners, people are often tempted to talk in terms of the interaction between the two Sun Signs. Even though this is an interesting analysis to make, you’ll gain a much better understanding of how compatible these people are if you look at how their Moon Signs interact.
Our Moon Sign gives us information about the way we process our emotions. Whether we are sensitive or rather detached, whether we repress our emotions or express them openly, the Moon will have a huge influence on that. Our more instinctive reactions are informed by our Moon Sign, as well as what makes us feel safe and at home.
When you are forming an intimate attachment with someone, the way you both process your emotions is key. While one may feel comfortable being vulnerable with their partner, the other one might prefer a more rational approach to emotions. If your Moons operate differently, it’s good to at least know how the other person operates so you can speak their emotional language and understand what their processes are like.
Without further ado, here are all the possible Moon combinations by element:
Water Moon and Water Moon
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Moons are very sensitive and in tune with their emotions. Sometimes, they feel so deeply that they can suffer as a result. They are empaths who absorb what everyone around them is feeling like a sponge. They are usually great listeners and they like to be around their loved ones if they know they need their help. Two Water Moons are very compatible. They understand the need for emotional nurturing the other has, and they understand how deeply they feel. They can easily empathize with each other, and they even understand the other’s jealous tendencies and can help each other navigate through a victim mentality or their tendencies to hold grudges.
Water Moon and Earth Moon
Nurturing their loved ones is a priority for both Water and Earth Moons, but their concept of nurturing is very different. Water Moons are very emotionally nurturing, and, when they are upset themselves, they expect someone who will spend time with them, listen to them vent, and support them through hard times, as well as sharing their happiness and joy. Earth Moons nurture through random acts of kindness and service. Nurturing is less about emotions and more about practical, concrete things for Moons in Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They are the kind of person who shows up to your house with soup when you’re sick, or who makes you dinner after a long, stressful day at work without being asked to do so. Even though they have different approaches to nurturing, they are complementary approaches, as Water and Earth are complementary elements. The Water Moon can help the Earth Moon learn that suppressing one’s emotions isn’t always the way to go, and the Earth Moon can help the Water Moon stay present and remain calm in a crisis.
Water Moon and Fire Moon
Water Moons and Fire Moons are both emotional, but they have a different experience of what being emotional is like. Water Moons tend to have an introspective, quiet approach to what they feel. They generally need time alone to process what they are feeling and understand why they are feeling it. Fire Moons, on the other hand, feel all of their emotions passionately. They generally need to channel these emotions somehow, be it through art or spending time with their loved ones. A Fire Moon can easily exhaust a Water Moon with their demands and needs. Fire Moons may find Water Moons confusing sometimes, and they might not understand why they need to spend so much time alone and why they find it so difficult to set clear boundaries. They do share some common ground in the fact that they prioritize emotion and don’t shy away from how they feel.
Water Moon and Air Moon
Two complete opposites make up this combination. Water Moons are all about making space for all sorts of emotions and taking the time to process them. If they need to take a day off to cry, they do so. Air Moons, on the other hand, have the tendency of using their brains when they should be using their hearts. They are all about what’s rational and logical. They have a very sober understanding of even the toughest emotional situation because of their ability to detach from their own emotions and analyze multiple perspectives, but this mental approach to emotions can have disastrous results in the long term. Water Moons can teach them to make space for their emotions, and Air Moons can teach Water Moons to consider other points of view and be more objective. They will have many misunderstandings and friction, though.
Earth Moon and Earth Moon
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn Moons tend to process their emotions in similar ways. They tend to repress their emotions until they reach a breaking point, sometimes even developing physical symptoms as a result of suppressed anger or sadness. They are experts at staying present in the moment and understanding the feedback they receive from their bodies. Two Earth Moons together will keep on suppressing their emotions, as no one will challenge this way of feeling – it’s what they know best after all. They see eye to eye when it comes to staying present in the moment and respecting the way the body reacts to different stimuli.
Earth Moon and Fire Moon
These two elements have very different approaches when it comes to emotion. Earth Moons prioritize practical solutions and gestures and being connected to the physical body. On the other hand, Fire Moons are all about expressing what they feel in intense and passionate ways. Earth Moons might think that Fire Moons are not using their emotional energy wisely, whereas Fire Moons struggle to understand Earth Moons’ stubbornness when it comes to suppressing certain emotions. It can become an explosive combination pretty quickly, as Earth Moons have a hard time compromising and Fire Moons demand a certain way of sharing an emotional experience like romantic love. They can learn some really valuable things from each other, though. Fire Moons can learn from Earth Moons to use their energy and channel their emotions in a more useful way, whereas Earth Moons can learn to let their emotions out when they arise instead of repressing them.
Earth Moon and Air Moon
Both of these Elements tend to process their emotions through the mind. They have complementary approaches: Earth Moons like to concentrate on the tangible, the facts, what they have seen and heard, whereas Air Moons want to understand the perspective of other people involved and try to see the situations that affect them from a distance to gain objectivity. They both appreciate it when their partner doesn’t absolutely lose it during an emotionally charged situation and can remain calm during a crisis, and they can provide that for each other. They both struggle to make space for feeling their emotions in the first place. Earth Moons will repress their emotions until they are so sick they can’t get out of bed, and Air Moons rationalize everything to the death. They think they have moved past a situation, but they truly haven’t, so they go through life oblivious to the fact that they haven’t closed a few important chapters. They can both grow in that respect, but, as they both underestimate the importance of actually making a space for feelings, they won’t encourage each other to explore this side of emotionality.
Fire Moon and Fire Moon
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Moons are each other’s true match when it comes to passionate emotion and dramatic, even excessive, expressions of it. On the flip side, this can turn into an argumentative match. The couple might be a bit too inclined to resolve everything with heated arguments. They lack the grounding influence of an Earth Moon or the logical and detached side of an Air Moon, though other signs in the birth charts of both parties involved can balance things out. At least, no one will feel like their emotions aren’t valid or they are being too dramatic. This combination of Moons accept each other completely.
Fire Moon and Air Moon
Fire and Air are complementary elements. Fire Moons are emotional in a way that Air finds understanding and inspiring, as Fire Moons do care about knowledge and logic but they tend to prioritize the mind and the heart acting together. Fire Moons admire the scope of Air Moons’ objectivity while challenging them to make space for the heart, while Air Moons temper Fire Moons’ passion and teach them to take a few steps back before saying what’s on their mind. They balance out each other’s weaknesses and strengths and they can have quite a harmonious relationship once they have gotten over a few setbacks at the beginning.
Air Moon and Air Moon
This is a combination between two extremely rational, brainy individuals. Everything they feel must be processed by the mind first. They insist on doing so. Even though they have the same priorities and they value the same things, and they can stimulate each other intellectually like nobody else, they remain stagnant in their insistence of processing everything through the mind and remaining detached from their true emotions. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius Moons both lack a certain emotional literacy that can really go against them in the long term.
In short, we can say that Moons of the same element or complementary elements (Earth-Water and Fire-Air) tend to get along the best. The Moon is not, of course, the entire chart, we have to look at Venus and Mercury too, for example, or, if we dare to go deeper, get a Synastry reading. But it is always good to know how the other person operates and how the relationship dynamic is, even if the combo is less than ideal. Did this resonate? Tell us in the comments!
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