I can’t believe how many of you viewed my August tarotscopes. I’m so happy you enjoyed them! If you want to re-read last month’s to see how they applied to you then check them out here.
Here are your September tarotscopes:
King of Wands- Aries, this month you are going to be choosing your actions carefully. You may find it difficult to determine what the best course of action is, so think before you act. It is really important that you are careful with your words and actions this month, as they have long-standing consequences. This is really exciting because it means if you choose carefully and make sure you think things through, then there is potential to make some incredible progress with your personal goals.
9 of cups – Taurus, you seem to shy this month as you spend some time on your own, reflecting on what is going to make you happy. Try not to get too stuck in your own head as there is so much potential to have fun if you give yourself time to relax. Make time to reflect, but don’t forget to enjoy yourself this month, as you are breaking free of old restrictions and are ready to open your heart to the opportunities you are attracting. You’re shining brightly this month, and others want to be part of your environment to enjoy your company.
3 of cups – Gemini, things have felt a bit stuck in your life lately, but that is about to change. This month, you may be taking a break from your usual routine or are ready to become more social. You will be having more fun than the last few months and may even receive some good news which you can celebrate. A lot of roadblocks are being cleared from your path, and you are also going to receive the support you need so that you can start to create the changes you want to create.
8 of cups – Cancer, this month you are prepared to walk away from things which aren’t making you happy. You aren’t holding on to the past any longer. Perhaps you have been telling yourself that you have let it go, but the truth is part of you was still holding on. Not any more! You are choosing to focus on your new beginnings and are committing to not looking back. There is a huge release for you this month, Cancer. Finally you can feel peace coming back to your life as you choose to only focus on what lies in front of you.
3 of pentacles – Leo, what are you trying to create? You are ready to learn something new or use your new skills and knowledge to cross the bridge towards a more enriching environment. This month you are seeking change, and you won’t let anyone stop you from exploring your new options. Don’t feel you have to do this alone, as there are friends here who are willing to help you. Two people are going to become very important to you this month as they help you with your new tasks.
The fool – Virgo, a lot of you will be celebrating your birthdays this month so expect a very social month. You are ready to take a risk and do something new, perhaps setting intentions for the next 12 months. You may usually find it difficult to make decisions, however, this month you are not holding back. You are ready to act fast and spend less time weighing up your options since you don’t want to miss out on things by being indecisive.
5 of wands – Libra, you really want to start making your next move, but you are still getting ready for it. It may seem frustrating, but this month is about preparation to ensure you are ready for when the time comes. Perhaps, you are waiting for someone else to make their move first and there is a bit of a stalemate going on here. If so, try to avoid conflict by focusing more on yourself and what you can do to get ready than on what other people are doing.
Two of swords – Scorpio, your work sector is getting the most attention this month. You may have been unable to see what was going on in your career or business, but it is about to become really transparent. As pieces start to be revealed to you, you know what you need to do next to ensure you achieve the success you want. Recently, you may have felt you were taking steps backwards, but that has been a time for you to reflect and surrender. From now on, you are ready for some big strides ahead.
The wheel – Sagittarius, things are beginning to change in your life and relationships feel more stable. There is a lot of romance here for you this month, so expect improvements in current relationships and if you’re single, then this could be a good month to meet someone new and enjoy some dates. A gift is coming from someone who cares about you to help you out of a sticky situation and get your feet back on stable ground. Rest assured, your rebirth is here. Your life is about to change for the better.
Queen of wands – Capricorn, a tiny spark could grow into a great flame this month. You have some wonderful ideas which are bringing back the light in your life. Things may have felt challenging lately as you weren’t feeling inspired by your day-to-day life. However, you are about to have a new idea to nurture which could grow into something amazing. Your passions are coming back or perhaps you are discovering a new passion which will be taking prime seat in your life this month.
7 of cups – Aquarius, don’t let your choices make you indecisive this month. Yes, there may be a few different options to choose from, but you have to stay grounded this month so that you can make progress. Something is going to stand out to you this month, and that will be a sign that it is the one to choose. You can’t split your time between everything you want to do, because you’ll end up exhausted. The one that stands out is the one which will move forwards quickly when you start. Don’t procrastinate as it’ll block the momentum you are building.
5 of pentacles – Pisces, you may find yourself waiting for a door to open this month which can bring up feelings of abandonment and frustration. However, other doors are opening for you so rather than wait and the one which is remaining closed, go and explore some of the new open doors. At times, it will be crucial to not let your emotions overrule your logical brain this month otherwise you could feel you are wasting time. It may be tempting to sit and wait for the door to open, but that could lead to you missing out on other things.
Emily xx
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Didn’t even know these were here. Cant remember what I just read. Just remember reading my moon sign which was true. Oh yeah…Iyeah…I wish i could leave some other things behind and be on my own again like I was in my 20’s w a steady job. Older now and responsible for my daughter/ niece and roommate and former coworker and moving and everything without help…one of the most difficult times in my life without friends to support me or a male friend companion or family that’s close by or supportive.