5 Love Languages
The most important thing to acknowledge when in a relationship or searching for love is how you and other people perceive love. You need to understand that people react in different ways and in turn see love and affection differently. This is where the 5 love languages come into play in understanding your partner and yourself. You can do a test online to see what your love language is. So get your partner to do this test as well, to better understand each other. It’s a really fun activity to do together and then talk about.
Words of affirmation
People with words of affirmation as their love language respond to verbal recognition as affection. This is what makes them feel loved, so making sure that you tell this person how much you love them, care for them and appreciate them etc will show them they are loved. Words is what this person will respond to the most, giving this person verbal acknowledgment will ensure that this person will get their fix of love in the relationship. If this person doesn’t get Verbal recognition, they will start to feel distanced from you, and sometimes this will show in their character. People with this love language might ask for recognition if they aren’t receiving it. So, understanding that telling this person you love them to make them feel loved and happy. If you aren’t comfortable using words of affirmation on your partner then this relationship can turn sour, so if you really love them you will start with the basic but most powerful “I Love You”.
Quality Time
People with quality time as their love language will want to spend time with their partner. This could be doing anything from staying in or travelling the world, at least they get your undivided attention while doing it. You need to be careful that you don’t get quality time mixed up with just being with them. Quality time is seen as being social with this person so talking, finding out about what they like and doing activities together. Not sitting in front of the TV or hanging out with friends. They want to connect with you and make memories together. So acknowledge this person, look into their eyes and share your life with them.
Acts Of Services
People with acts of services as their love language respond to how you act towards them. This is basically actions speak loader than words. For this person you will need to show your affection with action of appreciation or care. For example, simple actions like making them food or a drink, helping them out with tasks and trying to make their lives easier will go along way with this person. This will show to them that you care about them and they can relay on you. This can be a harder love language to do. As it requires you to help this person with action, so if your lazy don’t expect to say “I Love You” to make this person to feel loved. As helping this person around the house or with their everyday tasks will be responded to a lot more.
People with gifts as their love language is straight forward, they feel loved when they receive a gift. They will see this as a visual symbol of love. This doesn’t mean you need to empty your pockets to get to this person’s love. It’s about the symbolic thought behind the gift you give this person. If a gift has had some thought behind its process, then this person will feel loved. Knowing that you have thought it through, in turn showing appreciation. This can be a hard love language to do. If your partner responds in this way, then don’t think about shadowing them with gifts and showing your spending money. Maybe something they need or are interested in that they haven’t asked for will go along way with this person, as they will treasure that moment more than you will believe. So next time you’re out buying something for them, make sure you give it some thought.
Physical Touch
People with physical touch as their love language will respond the most to physical signs of affection. This is showing this person you care by physical interacting with them in an affectionate way. To do this is as straight forward as you think. Such as hugging this person, cuddling them in bed, holding their hand when you are walking around and most importantly sex. You need to be intimate with this person, and it needs to come from you. If they are the one who’s giving or instigating physical intimacy, this won’t be as well received to them as you being the instigator. So give this person what they want, no need to be shy.
Hope this helps you better understand the 5 love languages. If you want to do a love language test, then follow this link.
Here at Sacred Space, our readers do a lot of tarot love readings to help you with your relationships. Go to the Spirit page to see them. Here is a special Pick A Card Reading by Dannon on Connection/Relationships using tarot. Want to try to do your own love readings. We sell are own decks, go check out our Etsy store.
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Valentine’s – The 5 Love Languages
Valentine’s Day is here again. Also known as Feast of Saint Valentine or Saint Valentine’s Day, which is each year on the 14th of February.
Meaning love and romance is in the air with the time to express your love for your other half showering them in gifts like flowers and chocolates. If you’re not in a relationship, it’s hard not to feel left out on the 14th of February, but don’t put yourself down as self-love is just as important, and you know yourself better than anyone else. So treat yourself on this day.
For Valentine’s this year, we have had a look into the 5 love languages. Want to know what makes your partner tick or even better understand your own tick. Go take a look..
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