Every day I receive lots of messages on Instagram asking for interpretations of numbers so I thought it was about time to write a blog post on it. Remember, there is no wrong interpretation of any sign you receive from the Universe and numbers may mean something different to you than they do to another person. Number signs are one of the Universe’s way of communicating with us so it is a good idea to pay attention to what numbers you see and spend time meditating to find their personal meaning to you. Here are my interpretations of the numbers I see and the messages my guides send me through certain numbers.
The vibration of the number changes depending on how many times it is repeated. I tend to not notice numbers until they are repeated at least once (e.g. 66 or 1313). Triple individual numbers are the common ones I see on my path (e.g. 111) but I frequently see repeated number combinations (e.g. 1515 or 1551). Numbers also change depending on messages I receive from my guides so, for one particular week where I may be struggling with something, they might tell me that 666 is confirmation that I am safe and need to stop worrying. This meaning could then change the following week depending on the reassurance I need from my guides. Each number has certain vibrations which make up the general meanings. I will cover general number meanings before going into specific twin flame interpretations.
This number is about taking a leap of faith and surrendering. I see 0 as the in-between phase between an ending and a new beginning. It’s a sign to trust the Universe and that surrender is needed for the new beginning to take form in my life. This is a message that now is the perfect time to prepare for a new phase in my life and to get everything ready by moving myself into a place of calm, trust and openness.
This number is about new beginnings that are taking form as a completely new cycle begins. You have prepared well and have successfully closed out an old cycle in your life and a new one is starting. It’s important to keep faith as this new beginning is being brought to you by the Universe so keep your eyes open to new opportunities presented to you. Don’t try and force or control things as this is merely the beginning of a journey and now is not the time to resist the flow of events.
This number speaks of balance both internal and external. It could be a message that you need to find that balance again or that you are successfully managing to balance yourself. You’ll know which meaning resonates depending on your circumstances and intuition. This could refer to balancing different aspects of your life or balancing your own masculine and feminine energies as well as balance being restored to your connection.
This number is about team work and working with the Universe, your angels and guides. When you see this number frequently know that you have a lot of support from higher realms and you don’t need to worry because your situation is in good hands. Give your worries to your angels and let them take care of the burden for now because they are here for you
This number is all about foundations and stability. There is more going on behind the scenes when this number appears in your life so you can relax knowing that a stable foundation is being worked on for you. This number is a reminder to surrender as the Universe is working for you.
This is the number of change and is personally my favourite number. When this number appears in your life, it serves as a warning that huge changes are happening in your life but there’s no need to worry. We are divinely protected and any changes are necessary so enjoy the adventure. This could be a reminder to make changes in your life if you aren’t happy with your current circumstances.
This number is about love and harmony. The Lovers is number 6 in tarot so 6 speaks of unconditional love and enlightenment. This is a reminder that you must love yourself for relationships in your life to succeed and you should deal with people in a loving manor. Choose compassion and forgiveness to raise your vibrations and align with love.
This is a powerful number speaking of mystery and being on the right path. We don’t always need to know what’s ahead of us and this number is a reminder that, no matter where you are right now, you are in the right place and heading towards your destination. Each step is revealed at exactly the right time so trust where you are right now and enjoy the journey since you are heading towards your dreams.
This is the number of abundance and wealth. Abundance doesn’t have to come in the form of material possessions but often this number is a sign that material success is coming. Whatever you have been trying to manifest is coming to fruition and it is nearly time to harvest your rewards. This number is also an indicator that things in your life are speeding up and luck is on your side.
This is the number of accomplishment and achievement. People often fear the number 9 as it speaks of endings in your life but endings make way for new beginnings. Whatever you have been going through is coming to an end as the lesson has been learnt. This number speaks of the ending of cycles and success so it is unlikely that you’ll repeat the same cycle – it’s time to level up.
This number is about completion and is a sign that things have completed now. I see 9 as things ending soon and number 10 as things having ended already. It’s confirmation that a karmic cycle has closed out and you’re going to see things starting to improve. If you have been resisting an ending then this number is a sign that it’s time to let go and make way for this ending so that a new start can come.
How to interpret combined numbers?
So as each number has its own message, you can interpret numbers by combining the messages. I’ll give a few examples:
12 – there is a new beginning coming your way which will help you find your balance again (as number 1 comes first I take that message first)
21 – because you have balanced yourself you will see a new beginning soon (2 is first this time so I take that message before the 1)
34 – you’re your angels are working behind the scenes right now and you can trust that a stable, secure foundation is being built
56 – there’s changes coming to your romantic life
How to interpret repeated and mirrored numbers?
If a number is repeated then it holds a stronger vibration so it’s your guides trying to get their message across stronger. However, sometimes you’ll notice numbers are mirrored, such as 1551, and these are a sign that your twin flame is mirroring you. I interpret the first number and then take this format as confirmation that my twin flame is experiencing the same situation. For example, 1551 can be read as there’s new beginnings on your way due to positive changes in your life and your twin flame is experiencing changes too which are leading to a new cycle.
Twin flame numbers
On the twin flame journey, you’ll notice triple numbers are a common occurrence. These are my interpretations of numbers I have seen frequently on this journey:
111 – new beginnings are on their way to you as a new cycle begins.
222 – your counterpart loves you very much. There is balance and harmony in the connection right now.
333 – your guides are near and yours’ and your counterpart’s higher selves are working closely with you both.
444 – there are things developing behind the scenes which you can’t see right now so have faith.
555 – there’s big changes occurring which you’ll see soon as your hard work is paying off.
666 – make sure you are aligned with unconditional love and don’t focus on your fears.
777 – you are on the right path even if you can’t see the next step. All will be revealed in divine timing.
888 – abundance is on its way into your life.
999 – a tough cycle is ending so don’t resist anything right now and let doors close around you because new ones will open soon.
1111 – you and/or your counterpart is awakening and ascending. This is often one of the first numbers we notice on the sacred union journey and can be seen as confirmation you are a twin flame if you have been having doubts. Later on, this number will appear as a sign that your union is coming.
I hope this post has helped you. Please feel free to comment any additional number interpretations you feel.
Emily x
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37 ..THATS THE NUMBER I OBSERve a lot the last months … trying to interpret as you showed above in your example:
Co-creating with angels and my guides who are encouraging to maintain this & also tell me to ask for their support with any burdens. Trusting each step I am guided will be the right one and with universal support everything is directed towards my dreams.
It is exactly where i have to be right now in that moment of time. Patiently walking the path I am guided towards my dreams and manifestations which are co-created with wise, devine guidance.
You inspired me with this exercise to play with numbers and learning to find meaningful interpretations. Thank you, Emily xx 🌻
Love the way you’ve read that number. It’s exactly how I see it too, trusting that you are on the right path and calling upon your guides when you need help. The more you practice the easier it becomes and before you know it you’ll be reading numbers everywhere you go haha! xx