What is a Kundalini awakening?
For years now, there has been a lot of talk around the term ‘Kundalini’ in the spiritual world. You might have heard about it, or have a vague idea of what it signifies. But venturing into practising awakening this force on your own without having all the necessary information can sometimes be dangerous. Yet, fear not, knowledge illuminates and I am not here to feed any fear just to feed your mind. Here are the most important things you should know about Kundalini awakening:
What exactly is Kundalini energy and how to sense its awakening?
Basically, this power sleeps dormant at the base of your spine, and the word translates ‘coiled serpent’. It is considered to be divine feminine energy that evokes different forms of experiences and symptoms.
When it comes to the Kundalini awakening, it is a bit common in the spiritual world (less common in the western part though!) and many prepare for that moment with great care. It is an extraordinary power but it can also occur unintentionally! For example, with active practising of meditation, yoga and prayers; it can be released on its own. But how do you know it has been awakened? In the following part, I will list first some ‘symptoms’ to clear the confusion.
Signs that might indicate that you are experiencing Kundalini awakening:
- Some things might feel like they are dissolving. Your relationships won’t be aligned nor the things that you’ve committed to, but they will fall apart. A change is coming.
- Symptoms that affect your emotions and physical energy. Those can be either on the scale of depression and anxiety or more severe like shaking, a rush of energy, even near-death experiences!
- A rush of courage and will to experience new things!
- Afterwards, there is support from unexpected sources and everything seems to be synchronized. Some even experience miracles!
- External energies start to influence you more. This can mean that certain things you watch like TV or media, or even people and foods become unbearable. It is time for self-care and embracing this new energy. Trust me, this isn’t a weakness, it is a sign of your potential to achieve spiritual awakening!
- As you change the outer influences, you begin to listen to your own inner voice. This means that your intuition and inner truth will finally find their way towards the light.
- The inner voice awakens your compassion and to be of greater service. You begin to have a sense of being one with yourself and reaching towards the universe.
- You find your purpose – you can see your destiny clearly.
How to prepare yourself if you want to experience Kundalini awakening
There are various ways you can prepare yourself but my favourite one is by meditating actively, practising pranayama, breath control and gratefulness. Daria from High On Yoga records weekly Kundalini yoga videos for us on Sacred Space in the Body section. Find some of my favourite ones linked below.
What to do if you feel you are in the cycle of awakening unintentionally?
The simplest way is to decrease stress and practice self-care. Any experience leading to anxiety can influence your head so try to stay in your body and do not let yourself be overwhelmed. Eliminate those things that bother your nervous system and cleanse your spirit. Also, if you want to learn how to harness the energy you can enrol in a Kundalini yoga class.
Did you find this Kundalini awakening article helpful? Then you are welcome to browse through my other ones, dedicated to elevating your spiritual journey and deepening the connection to your higher self.
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