Communication is key when it comes to forming a healthy long-term relationship. If you want to find out how the person you’re interested in communicates, it’s a good idea to check their Mercury sign. Mercury in a person’s birth chart represents the way they tend to communicate. It will give you plenty of information when it comes to the way they think and the habits they have when talking to others. It also gives you information on the way they need information to be presented in order to understand it quickly.
Mercury is often ignored when it comes to analyzing whether a person is romantically compatible with another. More attention is paid to personal planets like Venus and Mars, or Luminaries like the Moon. However, it would be a mistake to overlook Mercury, as it can determine the success of a relationship. To work out yours or your partners Mercury sign, I would recomment using https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php.
Here is a breakdown of Mercury in all 12 signs, and some advice depending on the element of your own Mercury sign:
Mercury in Aries
People with Mercury in Aries like to get straight to the point. They might not be fans of small talk. They like their communication to be economical and optimal. They often get impatient when they don’t understand a concept right away. They like bold words that are memorable. They can talk at a very fast pace, and they get impatient if you can’t keep up. They get passionate easily, and they can get into heated discussions and debates as a result of this passion.
If you have a Fire Mercury, be careful, as you can both have a temper and your communication can get explosive before you realize it. Try to be patient and avoid getting into heated discussions. If you have an Air Mercury, communication with an Aries Mercury will flow harmoniously. However, be careful when trying to play devil’s advocate, as it can incite an argument. Aries Mercury might also accuse you of a lack of passion because of your natural detachment from your ideas.
If you have a Water Mercury, Aries Mercury may think you beat around the bush too much, as you’re constantly checking in to know their emotional state. Try a more direct approach. Finally, if you have an Earth Mercury, Aries Mercury will appreciate your efficiency when communicating. They might find you a bit dry and too matter-of-fact. Try to express yourself in a more enthusiastic, passionate way to be on the same page.
Mercury in Taurus
People with Mercury in Taurus talk slowly and choose each word carefully. They love it when their interlocutor has a pleasant voice or accent. They tend to talk about tangible, measurable facts. Some may have a preference for numbers, but most (if not all) people with a Taurus Mercury like to talk about what they can see and touch, or what can be otherwise proved as real. They like words that have a certain melody to them, so, in the middle of a matter-of-fact speech, they might throw in a quirky word that sounds good, or something from another language, like French. They can be pretty stubborn about what they say, and they rarely take things back.
If you have an Earth Mercury, you probably have a similar style when communicating. Be careful with Taurus’s stubbornness, though. Other Earth Mercury signs (or a fellow Taurus Mercury) might also latch on to their ideas and not let go, even after being proven wrong. This can cause conflict. Otherwise, Taurus Mercury will appreciate your efficiency and your tendency to stick to the facts. If you have a Water Mercury, Taurus Mercury will like your way with words and the way you actually listen to them and care about what they have to say. They might dislike your penchant for metaphors and remind you to speak in a more straightforward way.
If you have a Fire Mercury, try not to get too carried away by your enthusiasm, and make a conscious effort to stick to the facts. Also, don’t get impatient when Taurus Mercury takes their sweet time thinking of just the right phrase, it’s worth the wait with Taurus Mercury. Finally, if you have an Air Mercury, Taurus Mercury will like your tendency to be logical, but might ask you to stop using such abstract language and focus on the concrete. You should also be careful about getting impatient with them.
Mercury in Gemini
People with Mercury in Gemini are really funny and witty. They have a way with words and just love to talk your ear off, but they are never boring. They are a jack of all trades (and master of none), and know tons of interesting facts about a wide array of topics. They like variety when communicating. If a person always communicates in the same way, this might bore them. They also like puns and humor in general. They are very curious and ask a lot of questions.
If you have an Air Mercury too, you and Gemini Mercury will instantly get along. Try your best not to gossip and stick to the important topic at hand, as two Air Mercuries can get easily distracted and forget to talk about what they were supposed to be talking about in the first place. If you have a Fire Mercury, show off your passion. Gemini Mercury will be fascinated, and encourage you by asking lots of questions. They might ask you to be more objective and back up what you’re saying with facts and logic, and not rely so much on emotion, like you’re used to.
If you have an Earth Mercury, Gemini Mercury will like your use of facts and figures. They might get impatient with you and encourage you to do more abstract thinking. You will bring more efficiency to the conversation, and Gemini Mercury will bring in a different perspective. Try not to take things too seriously and laugh a little, though. Finally, if you have a Water Mercury, you and Gemini Mercury have very different communication styles, but you can learn a lot from each other. Gemini Mercury can learn to take the other person’s feelings into consideration while talking, and the Water Mercury can learn to communicate more succinctly and efficiently (and with more jokes!).
Mercury in Cancer
A person with Mercury in Cancer is very considerate. They often have a talent for saying just the right thing in order to comfort or persuade someone else. They tend to prefer silence, and only talk when they have something meaningful to say. They can be quite reserved. They like to keep the most intimate details to themselves, and will only open up with those they trust. They like to use their words to nurture others and lift them up. They are also not afraid to speak up to defend a loved one when they’ve been wronged, although they lack this assertiveness when it comes to defending themselves.
If you also have a Water Mercury, Cancer Mercury and you will click instantly. Try to inject the conversations with some objectivity, and you can both easily get lost in each other’s emotions. Cancer Mercury will love that you are on the same page when it comes to being considerate and empathetic. If you have an Earth Mercury, Cancer Mercury will be patient with your slowness and your nervous tendencies. Be patient when Cancer resorts to metaphors and takes their time to check in with you.
If you have an Air Mercury, you and Cancer Mercury have very different communication styles, and.could learn a lot from each other. Cancer Mercury can learn that sometimes you have to detach from your ideas to be objective, and Air Mercuries can learn to be interested in the other person in a more profound way. Finally, if you have a Fire Mercury, you will communicate harmoniously with Cancer Mercury, but try not to be too blunt and remember you are both sensitive, but you are not as considerate as Cancer Mercury.
Mercury in Leo
People with Mercury in Leo communicate like it’s an art. They have a flair for the dramatic and the verbose. They like to be listened to carefully, and they hate being interrupted. They are very generous with their compliments and they make a point to tell you what they like about you. Mercury in Leo makes an effort so their words are memorable. It might not be the most objective of the Mercury signs, but it is always assertive and knows how to set a boundary in the right way.
If you also have a Fire Mercury, you will both enjoy talking about your passions with ornate language. Try to bring some objectivity to the table, and don’t let your conversations be ruled by both of your egos. If you have an Air Mercury, you might find Mercury in Leo’s dramatic tendencies slightly annoying, and they’ll think you’re rather cold because of the way you speak about what you love. They can learn how to communicate in a more rational manner from you, and you can learn how to be more generous with your words from them.
If you have a Water Mercury, Mercury in Leo will appreciate your genuine care for your interlocutor. You, however, might find their self-centeredness annoying or excessive. Try not to lose your temper over it, Mercury in Leo makes up for it by being very affectionate. Finally, if you have an Earth Mercury, try not to get too stuck up on your own stubbornness, as Leo Mercury can be quite stubborn too. Leo Mercury will appreciate that you have no problem letting them be the protagonists in the conversation.
Mercury in Virgo
People with Mercury in Virgo are very smart and detail-oriented. They choose every single word they use with care. Their priorities when communicating are clarity and efficiency. They hate misunderstandings and people who just can’t seem to get their point across. They can be very direct and blunt, but they also have a more empathetic side. They are usually very polite and respectful of their interlocutor, but they can have a few moments of being a bit more honest than is called for. People with Mercury in Virgo are very observant, and can reach pretty accurate conclusions from the way you speak and the words you choose. They have a privileged long-term memory and can retain a lot of facts about any topic.
If you have an Earth Mercury too, Virgo Mercury will appreciate your efficiency when communicating and your no-nonsense approach. You can learn from Virgo’s flexibility. They are open to changing their minds, which is something other Earth Mercuries may struggle with. If you have a Water Mercury, you’ll both be on the same page about putting your interlocutor’s needs first, though sometimes you may disapprove of Virgo’s tough love approach to communication.
If you have a Fire Mercury, Virgo Mercury will think you are too subjective, but will secretly admire your passion and strong willpower. Learn to stick to the facts and avoid any unnecessary communication and Virgo Mercury will be pleased with you. Finally, if you have an Air Mercury, you will communicate very harmoniously with a Virgo Mercury. You will come to admire Virgo Mercury’s capacity to memorize even the smallest of details and recite facts and figures off the top of their head. They will love your abstract way of thinking and be impressed by how you can see both sides of an issue.
Mercury in Libra
People with Mercury in Libra are natural diplomats who know how to keep even the most heated of discussions harmonious. They are such effective diplomats because they can see two opposing sides and quickly understand the main arguments from both. They stay level-headed, no matter how much they care about what they are saying. They like to mimic their interlocutors and might adopt your mannerisms, favorite words, and even your accent. They like communication that is fair, where both parties get the same amount of turns to speak and where no one is a more powerful interlocutor than the other. They can be pretty indecisive and correct themselves on the spot a lot, or leave room for interpretation in what they say. One of the weaknesses of this sign is that they are allergic to confrontation, even when it is necessary.
If you also have an Air Mercury, you can learn how to include your interlocutor in a rational manner from Libra Mercury. You will be on the same page when it comes to fairness in communication, and you’ll love to explore different sides to the same argument together. If you have a Fire Mercury, Libra Mercury may find you overwhelming at first, but, with time, they’ll come to appreciate your assertiveness and may rely on you to make decisions. If you want to appease Libra Mercury, try to tone down your passion and boldness a little, and definitely be careful with confrontation.
If you have a Water Mercury, you’ll admire Libra Mercury’s kind but logical approach to communication. They’ll love your more nurturing side and your beautiful metaphors. However, they might think you’re too subjective at times. Try to remember to rely on the facts at least sometimes when talking to them. Finally, if you have an Earth Mercury, you’ll appeal to the more rational side of Libra Mercury. They can teach you how to be more open-minded, and you can teach them how to understand their own value and defend it, even if they dislike confrontation.
Mercury in Scorpio
People with Mercury in Scorpio know how to strategize before they communicate. They can be great at persuading others and negotiating, as they quickly study their interlocutor and identify their needs, wants, and weaknesses. As Scorpio is a Water sign, they have a more emotional approach to communication. They can express their emotions in a compelling way, and use language that appeals to the emotions and empathy of their interlocutors. What differentiates Scorpio from other Water Mercuries is their dislike for beating around the bush, how determined they are to reach their communication goals, and their penchant for discussing taboo topics.
If you have a Water Mercury as well, you can learn how to remain emotional but inject some rationality into your arguments from Scorpio Mercury. Scorpio Mercury can learn how to be more considerate and to read the room from you. If you have an Earth Mercury, you’ll see eye to eye with Scorpio Mercury. You will admire that Scorpio Mercury has the right amount of emotion when speaking, and they will admire your no-nonsense approach and your command of facts and figures.
If you have a Fire Mercury, you can end up arguing a lot with Scorpio Mercury. Try to stay level-headed and not take everything personally. Scorpio Mercury will admire your assertiveness, and you will admire their strategic approach to emotional communication. Finally, if you have an Air Mercury, it can be hard for you to get along with Scorpio Mercury. The way they communicate will be rather jarring to you, and you will assume the worst about them. They will accuse you of being cold and too people-pleasing. Find common ground by discussing taboo topics, they’ll love your fresh takes.
Mercury in Sagittarius
People with Mercury in Sagittarius have a real passion for learning their favorite subjects in depth. They are generally very funny, and they resort to humor as a way to deal with more emotionally difficult topics. They can also tend to exaggerate. They like grandiloquent, difficult words. They are both passionate and rational, so they make really compelling public speakers. They also have a natural inclination to teach, which might come off as preachy or arrogant to some people. They can become a little too absorbed by their ideas and respond in an intense way when someone questions them. Mercury in Sagittarius can also be almost cruel in their honesty.
If you also have a Fire Mercury, you’ll enjoy Sagittarius Mercury’s sense of humor and you’ll have quite a few laughs together. You can learn from them how to be both rational and passionate about what you’re talking about, and they can learn not to get too fixated on their ideas from you. If you have an Air Mercury, you will have fascinating conversations with Sagittarius Mercury, who will love your unique point of view. You can teach them how to treat their interlocutors as equals rather than de facto students, and they can teach you how to make an argument more compelling.
If you have a Water Mercury, you’ll disapprove of Sagittarius Mercury’s excessive honesty, but you’ll admire how they manage to be both passionate and extremely rational about what they’re discussing. Try to communicate in a level-headed way whenever they hurt your feelings or those of others with their bluntness. Finally, if you have an Earth Mercury, you will find Sagittarius Mercury’s tendency to exaggerate rather irritating. You’ll admire their in-depth, solid knowledge, but wish they’d be more exact with their words. Try to laugh with them. They will like your acid, dark humor.
Mercury in Capricorn
People with Mercury in Capricorn communicate in a very professional manner, even in their personal lives. They are efficient communicators who have low tolerance for nonsense and excuses. On the flip side, they can be arrogant and assume they know better than their interlocutor. As a result, they can end up talking down to them. As they are very direct and it takes a lot to upset them, you can let them know that they made you feel that way and, if they are reasonable, they’ll try to change that. They place far more importance in what they do than in what they say, so they might not think much about their communication habits. They do like to grow and improve in every area of their life, though, so they can adjust their communicative behavior if it means they’ll be more efficient as a result. People with a Capricorn Mercury have a hard time discussing how they feel, and they might resort to acid or dark humor to process their feelings verbally.
If you also have an Earth Mercury, you and Capricorn Mercury will instantly be on the same page when it comes to communication, as you both appreciate efficiency and measurable facts. You should both make an effort to discuss each other’s feelings, and you should both try to empathize with each other. If you have a Water Mercury, you might get frustrated by Capricorn Mercury’s tendency to avoid talking about their feelings, and they might think that you focus too much on emotions and need to learn how to be more efficient. When speaking to a Capricorn Mercury, try to get to the point, and encourage them to make jokes in order to understand how they truly feel.
If you have an Air Mercury, you’ll be annoyed by Capricorn Mercury’s tendency to talk down to others, as fairness in communication is very important to you. They’ll admire your capacity for abstract thinking and your command of logic. They might be bothered by some of your more disruptive ideas, and wish you were more picky about who you discuss them with. Try to refrain from being controversial when you first meet them. Finally, if you have a Fire Mercury, Capricorn Mercury will respect your ability to assert yourself and make yourself heard. They might think you are a bit too loud and bold at times. You might resent their immutable tendency to remain professional even in their personal lives. You will find common ground in your ability to make yourself respected and your assertive style of communicating.
Mercury in Aquarius
People with Mercury in Aquarius communicate in a very unique way. It’s hard to make generalizations about them, as there are no two Aquarius Mercuries with the same communication habits. However, it can be said that they always treat their interlocutor as their equal, and have a deep respect for their ideas, even if they vastly differ from their own. They have a penchant for technology, and might prefer to communicate via Zoom, email, or other technological means of communication. They are also interested in topics such as the environment or other social and global issues, and they enjoy discussing them with whoever will listen. They love to raise awareness for whatever cause they are committed to. They love it when their interlocutor has unique ideas or an innovative way of expressing themselves. They hate narrow-minded, dishonest communicators.
If you also have an Air Mercury, you’ll be on the same page as Aquarius Mercury when it comes to the importance of fairness and being on an equal footing with your interlocutor. It might be hard for the two of you to discuss your feelings, even when it is necessary that you do so. Take the initiative and start those difficult discussions about how you both feel. If you have a Fire Mercury, you and an Aquarius Mercury could talk for hours about what ignites you. They love listening to someone who is passionate about their ideas. You might find them a bit too cold and logical at times, though, and they might find you too dramatic.
If you have a Water Mercury, you will find Aquarius Mercury too cold and rational for your taste. You might find common ground when talking about social issues. They’ll appreciate your empathy. Finally, if you have an Earth Mercury, you’ll appreciate Aquarius Mercury’s logical style of communicating. They might find you too predictable and boring, so showcase your unique sense of humor.
Mercury in Pisces
People with Mercury in Pisces love to communicate with symbols. Perhaps words are not their strong suit, but they have a song they can share with you for every feeling they have, or they will paint a compelling image that lets you know in an instant what’s in their head. Some Pisces Mercuries are good with words, and they tend to prefer poetic, beautiful language that is vague enough to be open to interpretation. Pisces Mercury tends to be forgetful and scatter-brained, but they are always gentle and kind when communicating, and they are great listeners.
If you have a Water Mercury as well, you and Pisces Mercury will instantly get along, as you both appreciate being considerate and empathetic when communicating. Try not to get lost discussing your feelings endlessly. If you have an Earth Mercury, you might get frustrated by Pisces Mercury’s difficulty with getting to the point or making themselves clear. They will be irritated by your insistence to be clear and efficient, and they will get the impression that you don’t have the right priorities when communicating. Find common ground by showing your more nurturing, reliable side.
If you have a Fire Mercury, you and Pisces Mercury will find common ground in your love for the arts. They will encourage your self-expression and celebrate who you are. You might hurt their feelings with your self-centeredness or bluntness, though. Finally, if you have an Air Mercury, communicating with a Pisces Mercury will honestly be very hard. Take this as an opportunity to learn from each other: Pisces Mercury can exercise their logic, and you can become a more empathetic communicator.
Did you learn anything new? What’s your Mercury sign? What’s your special person’s Mercury sign? Tell us in the comments!
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DM and I have great Mercury connection. Too bad we can’t meet up again. Too bad he’s so reserved….at a far distance w his career…never really had the opportunity 2 get to know one another…I realized so much of his Mercury description psychically. This resonates completely. My nickname for him is “Spooky”. He used to think I wasn’t to be taken seriously. Now he does. I can sense it. We’ve both grown in this odd way through sm. And only on 5d. It’s a very peculiar situation….i mean really odd. Never would’ve understood any of this without help from Emily and reading about the TF journey. But even for a TF journey, this is an odd one. I’ve seen past lives w him in meditation and dreams. Some T Flames never meet or meet again in a lifetime. I met him, but never got to know him. Read about Twin Flames after meeting him. That explained everything. Y i had never felt such a connection to anyone in my life like this before….y i knew so much about him without him telling me anything…knew and would know how he’s feeling and why…like knew he grew a beard b4 i saw it on sm…knew that his dog passed ….knew/ know what an influence his mother was/ is on him…how she molded him as a?young child etc…finally understood his. VERY STRONG reaction when he was here and I told him I’d had a dream about his mother…asked him” Has she been the one to really support your career?”. He overreacted loudly ( which is hysterical, but not) w “My father is VERY INVOLVED ALSO.”…..The sad part to me is that I didn’t realize I’d hit a nerve that day. Didn’t know anything about TF. Did know about inner child work needing 2 b done for neglected, abandoned, Wounded inner child in Adults…from my own experience…had years of therapy…studied psychology years ago…It can alter a person’s life if left untreated. It did mine. I still need help at times but live in the wrong area. Am grateful to God, Archangels, Saints, old therapist ( she’ll never know how much even though I’ve told her) my Guardian Angel who was/is a?guy I met on earth. A real 💎. …to Emily and other people I actually met in person. Have tears in my 👀. Emotional person. Really hurts to think i will never meet this DM on earth again.