Here are your August tarotscopes:
5 of wands – Aries, this month you may feel like there is so much to do and not enough time to complete the work you want to. This month there are people standing in your way of success and you may have to remove these negative influences before you can start to see progress. For months you have felt frustrated that you couldn’t see what was coming for you, but now the tide has turned and you are able to clearly see the path you want to walk. Whoever is standing in your way could find themselves in the firing line as you prepare to do whatever it takes to get your well deserved rewards.
7 of cups – Taurus, you seem to be a bit confused about what options you have. You don’t feel like you’re on stable ground right now as things are changing in your life and a long term goal may feel impossible right now. Keep your head up because you have more options than you realise and as you focus on grounding exercises you will be able to see what you can do to start changing your situation. The decisions you’re making at this time are going to impact your long term future.
8 of pentacles – Gemini, you may have found yourself struggling financially during July and you’re doing whatever it takes to ensure you don’t have another month like that. You are going through a change in your material world and may be moving home or starting a new job because there has been an uncomfortable transition taking place. The good news is that you are nearly there and your hard work is paying off! You are about to feel much better about your circumstances having regained your independence and ready to embrace a new beginning.
The hanged man – Cancer, this month if you can change the way you are looking at a situation you could get a lot out of it! You’ve not been feeling yourself lately and haven’t been able to see clearly or feel your own power. However, throughout August you will start to see things differently and will realise you are coming back home to yourself. There’ll be a delayed celebration for something you achieve near the end of the month. You have been so patient while things have felt stagnant for the last few months, but now you are ready to cross the finish line and see this chapter end.
The hermit – Leo, this is your season but you don’t feel like celebrating. Something has pushed you deep within yourself and you want to spend this month in your own company. You have some loyal friends around you but they are respecting your need to be alone so that you can heal from a recent upheaval in your life. There has been a big change in your life lately and you want to reflect on this life experience so that you don’t repeat the same lesson or can start working on a more stable foundation for your future.
Queen of wands – Virgo, you feel ready to go out and make your mark. You want to start a project that you are passionate about but you’re worried you don’t have the knowledge to do this. Stop doubting yourself as the best way to learn is through experience. Accept that you may not be an expert but you are eager to learn and you don’t need to overthink things. You will also inspire those around you this month to do things they are passionate about. You may find you become an unexpected leader and motivator this month!
7 of swords – Libra, you are ready to leave something behind you this month and start looking forwards. There has been a major disappointment in your life last month but you don’t want to linger on it anymore. You are ready to start again and begin working on your next project or idea. There has been a major spiritual lesson for you to learn over the last few months which has tested your strength. You have been trying to fight your way to get the results you want but now you are accepting the situation and ready to explore a different path which has less resistance and, fingers crossed, more success.
Ace of swords – Scorpio, your ideas are ready to be turned into plans. There have been so many thoughts floating around your head the last few weeks and now is the time to start working on bringing this ideas to fruition. You have some big dreams and have been doubting yourself lately but you will start to see your wishes come true as you take action towards them. Stop dreaming and start doing because your breakthrough will come as soon as you begin.
The devil – Sagittarius, you may feel tested this month as things outside your control start to change around you and have a direct influence on your life. As frustrating as this may be, there is no point wasting energy worrying about what you can’t control. Instead, focus on those small things you can do to regain your balance and get back on track. Whatever changes are taking place are for your highest good even if you can’t see it right now. Soon, it’ll become clear why these events are happening and by the end of August you’ll be offered a new option which could be even better than what you have now.
4 of swords – Capricorn, I know how hard you guys love to work but this month you need to make time for rest. You have been doing too much and it isn’t sustainable. If you keep working this hard, without balancing it with having fun, then you will exhaust yourself. Focus on getting yourself into a healthy routine this month so that you are more balanced and able to then able to add more balls to juggle. You will have something to celebrate this month which you have been waiting for.
Queen of pentacles – Aquarius, you are making big moves in your career this month! You may see more success in your own business or receive a promotion. Money is flowing towards you, so expect a big financial gain in August. If you are thinking of investing in one of your ideas then it looks to grow into something bigger than you expect in the near future. This is a very positive time for your career and money matters. There’s some unexpected quick movement here with an offer you won’t be able to turn down.
3 of pentacles – Pisces, find ways to work with others this month for maximum success. You may have your own ideas about how you want to do things but, there is someone who could help you if you brainstorm with them. Find people who share your vision and you will see your ideas can be even more successful when you work with others rather than go at it on your own. If something in your career has been moving super slowly lately then it is because you are being guided to work as a team to get things to progress.
Emily xx
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August’s was true for me. I know Emily must know tho’ not sure others know…Sun sign only is very general…need a?natal chart done to at least see where 🌙, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Rising are also. I have been experiencing my North node’s disposition/ depth. Pretty sure it’s my North, not South node. I don’t know much about North/South nodes…just what sign mine are in. Have had natal charts done. I believe Scorpio north and Taurus South. Like having this. Have been Evolve Member for maybe 3 months and still don’t know all the perks. Haven’t had the chance to find out. Also not raised w all this technology as my daughter is.
August’s was true for me. I know Emily must know tho’ not sure others know…Sun sign only is very general…need a?natal chart done to at least see where 🌙, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Rising are also. I have been experiencing my North node’s disposition/ depth. Pretty sure it’s my North, not South node. I don’t know much about North/South nodes…just what sign mine are in. Have had natal charts done. I believe Scorpio north and Taurus South. Like having this. Have been Evolve Member for maybe 3 months and still don’t know all the perks. Haven’t had the chance to find out. Also not raised w all this technology as my daughter is.