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How To Live Without Disappointments

We’ve all faced disappointments at various times of our lives. I’m sure we’ve all been let down by a partner, and for some this can mean they stop expecting relationships to be happy and fulfilling. Other times, perhaps there’s been a job you wanted and didn’t get which led to a feeling of disappointment. Whatever the situation was which disappointed you, there’s one reason why you felt that way…


Pain happens when our reality doesn’t match our expectations, which causes us to start blaming others or external situations for our unhappiness. By remembering that life doesn’t owe you anything, you can stop expecting and start accepting instead. The turning point in letting go of expectations is when we start to realise what we can control, and stop fighting everything which is out of our control. This allows us to focus our power on changing our mindset, emotions and actions, and find fulfilment from within. Suddenly, external circumstances and other people no longer disappoint us because we don’t expect anything from them. It’s not easy to change this pattern, but it is possible, and you will be so glad you did!



Yes, I know it’s hard, but it’s also really important to forgive others and yourself. No one is perfect and there will be times that someone lets you down, but learning to forgive them sets you free of guilt and blame. I like to remind myself that there is no reason to be upset over someone else’s actions because it is something I can’t control. 

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Tools That Can Help You

Meditation for self esteem, prosperity and radiance



Forgiveness Meditation



Grounding Kundalini Yoga set



Removing toxic people & situations



Change unrealistic standards

We tell ourselves so many stories about our life and other people in it, and this can create unrealistic standards. Do you have beliefs about yourself which are holding you back, such as you need to be more perfect to be loved? These are limiting beliefs, and they are stopping you from being disappointment free. 


Take ownership

By taking responsibility for the path your life is taking, you can stop blaming external circumstances and other people for any unhappiness in your life. Living without expectations means you don’t expect anyone to do something for you, but rather take responsibility for your emotions, actions and life. You realise that you can only control yourself, and the illusion that you expect something from others can be broken.


Expecting things to go a certain way stops us from enjoying how they are going in the present moment. Enjoy life for what it is, and remember that you can only control yourself and your path. The only thing you should expect, is the unexpected. Life becomes an adventure and you can enjoy each and every step along the way.


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