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Why Is Breath Work Important?

Breath work is a simple yet effective rhythmic breathing practice that helps you focus on yourself and your body. It has a connection to kundalini yoga which involves all of your body and mind. This is advantageous for many people for multiple reasons. It can alleviate anxiety and reduce stress. Here are some easy ways to fit breath work into your daily life:

Baby Predictions & Giveaway

It’s human nature to notice different kinds of energy in the body at different times. We’re all made up of divine masculine and divine feminine energies, so keeping them in balance is crucial to maintain the wellbeing of body and mind. These energies aren’t related to gender, despite any misconceptions on this score. Everyone (despite their gender) was born with both types of energy within them; as we go through life, sometimes one of these energies will get suppressed at the expense of the other. Do you want to know more about these energies and how balancing them can help you achieve inner union?

Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy

It’s human nature to notice different kinds of energy in the body at different times. We’re all made up of divine masculine and divine feminine energies, so keeping them in balance is crucial to maintain the wellbeing of body and mind. These energies aren’t related to gender, despite any misconceptions on this score. Everyone (despite their gender) was born with both types of energy within them; as we go through life, sometimes one of these energies will get suppressed at the expense of the other. Do you want to know more about these energies and how balancing them can help you achieve inner union?

What is a Kundalini Awakening?

For years now, there has been a lot of talk around the term ‘Kundalini’ in the spiritual world. You might have heard about it, or have a vague idea of what it signifies. But venturing into practising awakening this force on your own without having all the necessary information can sometimes be dangerous. Yet, fear not, knowledge illuminates and I am not here to feed any fear just to feed your mind. Here are the most important things you should know about Kundalini awakening…
